OK-SAFE, Inc. Blog

February 18, 2013

Calls Needed! Vote NO on SB 36 – Nanny State “Smoking” Bill – UPDATE-SB36 Failed!

UPDATE:  Common sense prevailed in the Senate General Government Committee. SB 36 by Simpson failed in committee today by a vote of 6/2! 

OK-SAFE, Inc. – 2/18/13.    Even if you are not a smoker and don’t like smelling the stuff you can see what’ wrong given local “governmental subdivisions” the authority to ban smoking.

SB 36 by Frank Simpson is going to heard this morning in the Senate General Committee meeting.  SB 36 seeks to amend Section 1-1527 of Title 63,  and reads:

The State Legislature by adopting this act intends the Smoking in Public Places and Indoor Workplaces Act does
not intend to preempt any other regulation promulgated to control smoking in public places and intends to 
standardize laws that permit governmental subdivisions may to adopt local ordinances to further control smoking.  
Cities and towns may enact and enforce laws prohibiting and penalizing conduct under provisions of this act, but
the provisions of such laws shall be the same as provided in this act and the enforcement provisions under such 
laws shall not be more less stringent than those of this act the Smoking in Public Places and Indoor Workplaces Act.

This is growing government, not limiting government, and what gets banned gives access to more of your personal information.

Please email the following General Gov’t committee members this morning and ask for a NO vote on SB 36:

Treat@oksenate.gov; ballenger@oksenate.gov; aldridge@oksenate.gov; Dahm@oksenate.gov; ellis@oksenate.gov; johnsonr@oksenate.gov ; loveless@oksenate.gov; marlatt@oksenate.gov

Kaye Beach of AxXiom for Liberty, has written a great overview of what is wrong with SB 36.  See below and link:


Oklahoma Action Alert! Big Momma Gov. Wants ‘Local’ Control – SB 36

Kaye Beach

Feb. 17, 2013

SB36 by Sen. Simpson would allow cities to regulate smoking in in public places in excess of what state law allows.

Do we want to give cities more power to infringe upon our rights?

What could possibly go wrong?


  • Violates rights of property owners
    • Violates consumers right to choose

State standards already protect health of non smokers. (by requiring businesses to install what amounts to a BSL 3 area for smokers.  These are expensive, negative pressure, separate ventilation system rooms for smoking patrons!)

Here is the bottom line:

“Private property owners should be free to allow smoking or not. Those who wish to smoke can patronize places that cater to smokers. Those who don’t will have places that seek their business. That’s how the free market works.” (Hat tip to Rob Abeira from Oklahomans for Individual Rights https://www.facebook.com/OKRights )

Rest of post here.

March 5, 2012

HR 1004 Discharge Petition Rally – Wednesday at the Capitol – Be There!

OK-SAFE, Inc. – OK-SAFE will be joining other Oklahoma grassroots activists at 9:00 am on Wednesday, March 7, 2012 at the OK Capitol* to petition for Open Government in the Oklahoma Legislature.

Wednesday’s effort is being spearheaded by Kaye Beach of Axxiom for Liberty.  This citizen rally is meant to secure the remaining signatures necessary to cause HR 1004 to be discharged from committee and move directly to the House floor for debate and a vote.

HR 1004, by Rep. Charles Key, simply states that if a legislator requests that his bill get a hearing in the committee it has been assigned to, the chairman of that committee must hear the bill and allow a vote.  It’s that simple.  As it stands now, a committee chairman, under direction of the Speaker, can prevent a bill from ever being heard in committee, effectively exerting top-down control of the legislative process.

Below is an excellent post by Kaye Beach detailing the purpose of HR 1004 and instructions for Wednesday’s efforts.

HR 1004 Discharge Petition-Calling All Oklahoma Activists for Representative and Open Government!

By Kaye Beach, March 2, 2012.

Blog Post Excerpt:

One More Chance – The Discharge Petition

House rules allow for discharge petitions as a means to get a bill brought out of a committee for a vote on the House floor.  We need the signatures of 66 House members to get HR 1004 (read HR1004) discharged from committee and on the House floor for a vote.

Right now we have 45 signatures but we need a minimum of 66 signatures.  That means we need 21 more signatures in order to get HR 1004 to the floor for a vote.

Your help is needed!

On Wednesday March 7, 2012, grassroots activists from across Oklahoma interested in ensuring transparent and representative government throughout the entire legislative process will meet for a petition drive for HR 1004 at the Oklahoma State Capitol at 9 am. 

RSVP on Facebook!  Oklahoma Action Alert – HR 1004 Discharge Petition Drive

Read entire post here.

*Folks will initially meet in the first floor rotunda area for instructions, then head upstairs.  The media has been invited.

December 7, 2011

Class on the U.S. Constitution – Make Reservations Now!

From our friend Kaye Beach at Axxiom for Liberty:

Key Opens Door to U.S. Constitution

Rep. Charles Key

 Oklahoma City, OK – On Saturday, January 14, 2012 Oklahoma’s own Champion of the Constitution, Representative Charles Key, will be hosting Constitutional Scholar Michael Badnarik at the Oklahoma State Capitol, featuring Badnarik’s acclaimed “Introduction to the Constitution” class.

Even if you consider yourself knowledgeable about our founding documents, this eight-hour class will be a life-changing experience.

The class runs from from 9:00 am until 6:00 pm, with a one-hour break for lunch and occasional breaks throughout the day.

Each student will receive an autographed copy of Badnarick’s book Good to be King, used as the text for the class.

Valued at $250 or more, class students may attend for only $150, or 4 ounces of .999 fine silver. This is an incredible bargain for 8 hours of instruction, a $20 hardcover book, and several additional hours of personal interaction with the “Stepfather of the Constitution”.

Oklahoma represents the critical first domino in “Operation Domino Effect”.  Other states are signing on to take the plunge, too!

Michael Badnarik Announces OPERATION DOMINO EFFECT

“On January 14, 2012 I will be teaching my Constitution class on the floor of the State House in Oklahoma City. I would like to teach my class in every state capitol in 2012! With your help we can have unconstitutional laws falling like dominoes.” Read More.

Michael Badnarik

Activists, candidates and elected officials are encouraged to come together to learn more about the meaning and value of our founding documents.

Oklahoma Event Flyer (to download and share)

Please join us!


Oklahoma City Event Details

Date: Saturday, January 14, 2012 9AM – 6PM

Place: House Chamber of the Oklahoma State Capitol

Cost: $150.00 per student (or 4 oz of .999 fine silver)

For reservations contact:

“The Constitution has become an old piece of paper. Michael brings it back to life.”

 Read more about Michael Badnarik and how he is “Lighting the fires of Liberty, one heart at a time.” at http://www.constitutionpreservation.org

Hope to see you there!

November 14, 2011

Health Care Reform Definded – It’s Not What You Think

OK-SAFE, Inc. – OK-SAFE was the only grassroots organization* in Oklahoma given an opportunity to speak to the Joint Legislative Committee on Federal Health Care Law.

It was also the only organization that actually defined what is meant by “health care reform”.

The Federal Data Hub – the New American Idol?










Health Care Reform – is really about the use of IT to implement a nationwide health information network (NHIN), that will enable the seamless flow of information across boundaries, and that allows a growing global surveillance system to function. Medical records will be accessible, without a search warrant, by the Dept. of Homeland Security, and others.

Electronic Health Records – Reform is predicated on the creation of a standardized, interoperable electronic health record (EHR) on every single individual

Cradle-to-Grave – EHRs are used for data collection, aggregation and reporting and are intended to track a person from birth to death. (Longitudinal)

EHRs are universal and to be shared globally – not only within our government, but with foreign governments, universities, and other third parties.

Requires Standardization and Interoperability – to establish uniformity and compatibility in data collection, regardless of jurisdiction.

EHRs include each person’s genetic information – and will be used for research purposes without the knowledge or consent of the person.

Rights killing – Health care reform, and other data collection networks, do an “end-run” around search warrants and nullif our inherent rights to life, liberty and property.


See the OK-SAFE power point here for a detailed explanation of Health Care Reform – IT, Privacy and Security Issues.


You can listen online to two interviews discussing the real meaning and purpose of health care reform and how the exchanges plug into the system. Check out the 11/6/11 America in the Balance radio show and to the 11/4/11 interview entitled “Privacy or Panopticon?” podcast on Axxiom for Liberty on Rule of Law radio.

*[OCPA gave the only other conservative perspective to these proceedings, having a speaker at two of the meetings. Both OCPA presentations showed the stark reality of the high cost of health care reform, as well as pointing out excess spending by state health care entities.]

August 26, 2011

FEMA’s Re-mapping of Oklahoma – Stealing Home

America in the Balance  recently interviewed two Oklahomans about their encounters with FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Administration, aka the Mob), local officials and the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB).

One successfully rebuffed the officials; the other was not so successful.

The issue?  The designation of their (non-flooding) property as being in a flood zone, resulting in the devaluation of the property; limitations on development of the land; the devaluation of the land as collateral; negatively impacting the ability to sell their property; and the use of coercive methods to force the purchase of flood insurance.

In listening to the accounts of these two separate incidents, it appears that the maps being used to determine the flood zone designation are rather whimsical: it all depends on which map the agent is using, and whether you want to be designated as flood zone or not.  The gentleman in the township of Skiatook, OK was actually presented with 3 different maps over the course of three days.  He resisted the OWRB/FEMA efforts and they eventually backed down.

This was not the case in Ramona, OK.

There, a family with 40 acres of property was surprised to find that their property was now designated as being ‘Zone A High Risk’ flood zone.  The property has been in their family since 1946, has never flooded, and the land is actually mapped as upland agriculture.  The result of the ‘Zone A High Risk’ flood zone designation has been a 50% decrease in the appraised value of their property.

FEMA and the Oklahoma Water Resources Board are using covert means to steal property in Oklahoma.  FEMA and the OWRB is stealing home.

Listen to their stories on America in the Balance on Truth in Focus internet radio here. (Link: http://www.truthinfocus.org/radio/america_in_the_balance.php)

For an excellent analysis of the FEMA/Oklahoma Water Resources Board activities and ties to sustainable development see article below. (From a post on Axxiom For Liberty.)

Oklahoma Water Resources Board/FEMA Flood Map Follies

By Kaye Beach

August 24, 2011

America in the Balance, an internet radio program hosted by Amanda Teegarden (Exec. Director, OK-SAFE, Inc.) & Don Wyatt (Tulsa 912)  did a very interesting show on the FEMA Flood mapping taking place in our state last Sunday.

Their two guests David McClain and Margaret Snow shared their experiences with FEMA and the new floodplain maps that are being drawn up in Oklahoma.

The two are looking for other Oklahomans who have had a similar experience with FEMA and their new maps. OK. Attorney General Scott Pruitt has agreed to take a look at documented instances of questionable FEMA flood re-designations.  (Contact information can be found at the end of this article.)

These flood maps produced by FEMA will indicate which property owners must purchase flood insurance.  Development is discouraged in the designated zones and building or development in the floodplains is often highly regulated

If you have had your property’s flood designation changed or had an encounter with FEMA or the Oklahoma Water Resources Board regarding floodplain designation, you will be interested in these two stories.

(Listen to the archived show here or read the summary I have written from the radio show interviews.)

Skiatook Township, David McLain

David McLain,  who helps out at Immanuel Baptist Church in Skiatook tells Amanda and Don that a few weeks ago he noticed some officials taking measurements on his property.  David approached the two gentlemen to find out what they were doing.  The two identified themselves as being with FEMA and informed Mr. McClain that they were working on adjusting floodplain designations.  One of the agents, Gavin Brady, although he introduced himself as being with FEMA, the  business card he handed to David showed him as being with the Oklahoma Water Resource Board.  The other agent is reported to be Matthew Rollins.

Curious as to why the man is representing both FEMA and the Oklahoma Water Resources Board, I did a little searching and found that the OWRB is under a cooperative agreement with FEMA and is the coordinating state agency for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) for the state of Oklahoma. link

Map Modernization

The OWRB website explains that this is a “Map Modernization” effort;

“Many of the nation’s flood hazard maps are outdated and no longer realistically depict the true flood risk. As a result, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is conducting a multi-year effort, the Map Modernization Program, to update these maps and present them in a more reliable digital format that is easily accessible to local and state floodplain officials” link

(For more about the FEMA/ Oklahoma Map Modernization program, click here.)    (Rest of Kaye Beach article here.)


If you have had your non-flooding property (in Oklahoma) designated as flood zone/flood plain by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board, FEMA (or FIMA), the Attorney General of Oklahoma may be interested in your situation.

Two people have agreed to be the contact persons for this effort.  Please have your paperwork together and organized, including any notes you may have taken about your conversations with OWRB, FEMA, or city officials.  Get names, titles, and contact information from everyone you have spoken with regarding this flood zone designation.  Include any before and after property assessments you may have.

  1. Northeast Oklahoma contact: Margaret Snow, email: msnow14@netzero.net  – this area includes Washington County, Rogers, etc.
  2. Rest of Oklahoma: Keith Shankle, email: kshankle@gmail.com

Oklahoma County map link is here.

This is an important issue – this re-mapping is the plundering of private property.

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