OK-SAFE, Inc. Blog

July 25, 2013

Amendment Curtailing the NSA Fails in the House

OK-SAFE, Inc. – On Wednesday, July 24, 2013 the U.S. House failed to pass an amendment to the 2014 Defense funding bill that would have ensured none of the funds could be used by the National Security Agency (NSA) to “collect records, including telephone call records that pertain to persons who are not subject to an investigation under Section 215” of the Patriot Act.

The Amash amendment (Amendment #100) to the Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2014 was defeated on Wednesday July 24th by a vote of 205-217.

The White House and NSA Director General Keith Alexander lobbied Congress heavily to defeat this amendment.

Global Economy – Data Driven

Living in a borderless “global economy” means the end of everything, as we once knew it – nation, law, and boundaries.  Those boundaries are not just those within and around a country, state, institution or agency, but personal boundaries as well, including what we have thought of as our inherent right to privacy. 

Our so-called global economy is knowledge-based and data-dependent; information is the “fuel” that feeds it. “Privacy” and “rights” are considered antiquated and inconvenient ideals; barriers that, in the minds of some, must be eliminated.

NSA – Data Vampire

One of those entities that believe that individual privacy and rights are a hindrance to their objectives is the National Security Agency (NSA). The NSA wants to know everything about everybody, everywhere, at anytime, without restriction.

For a visual reminder of the NSA’s objectives, see the their 2008 publication entitled Vision 2015 – A Globally integrated and Networked Intelligence Enterprise.

Vision 2015 Decision AdvantageVision 2015 Excerpt:


Integrate foreign, military, and domestic intelligence capabilities through policy, personnel and technology actions to provide decision advantage to policy makers, warfighters and homeland security officials and law enforcement personnel.- J.M. McConnell – Director of National Intelligence

We live in a dynamic world in which the pace, scope, and complexity of change are increasing. The continued march of globalization, the growing number of independent actors, and advancing technology have increased global connectivity, interdependence and complexity, creating greater uncertainties, systemic risk and a less predictable future. These changes have led to reduced warning times and compressed decision cycles. Although this interconnected world offers many opportunities for technological innovation and economic growth, it also presents unique challenges and threats. In this environment, the key to achieving lasting strategic advantage is the ability to rapidly and accurately anticipate and adapt to complex challenges.

Not only will thetype of customer change within our existing federal policy-making sets, but the range of customers will broaden to emphasize other federal departments (e.g., Health and Human Services, Agriculture, Commerce), state and local agencies, international organizations,and private sector and non-governmental organizations. 

The Amash amendment:

An amendment, offered by Mr. Amash, numbered 100 printed in House Report 113-170 to end authority for the blanket collection of records under the Patriot Act. It would also bar the NSA and other agencies from using Section 215 of the Patriot Act to collect records, including telephone call records that pertain to persons who are not subject to an investigation under Section 215.

Congressman Justin Amash is from Michigan.

OK Delegation Votes on Amash Amendment:

Yea:  Bridenstine, Mullin

Nay: Cole, Lankford, and Lucas

The House did pass the Pompeo amendment (Amendment #99) by a vote of 409-12.

The Pompeo amendment:

An amendment, offered by Mr. Pompeo, numbered 99 printed in House Report 113-170 to ensure none of the funds may be used by the NSA to target a U.S. person or acquire and store the content of a U.S. person’s communications, including phone calls and e-mails.

Congressman Mike Pompeo is from Kansas.

OK Delegation Votes on Pompeo Amendment:

Yea: Bridenstine, Cole, Lankford, Lucas, Mullin

H.R. 2397 Text

For the full text of H.R. 2397, the Department of Defense Appropriations Act 2014, click here.

For a full listing of the proposed amendments to H.R. 2397 click here.

Protecting Yourself?

There is growing interest in cryptography (electronic encryption).  But you can also try going old school before you forget how to do so.  For starters you can reduce your electronic footprint. (Oh, one can hear the sighing)

For instance, do not put your life’s details online (via email, Facebook, etc.).  Email and social media communications are a mine of information for the data-gatherers and reveals a lot about you, your activities and your associations. And the information you post is out there…forever.

Do your banking in person, not on your phone or computer.  Pay your bills by check and mail them. Better yet, pay cash wherever and whenever you can.

As best you can, avoid interacting with state/government run agencies, all of which are now collecting and reporting data about each encounter with a citizen.

Do not answer nosy questionnaires, even those that assure you that the data will remain anonymous and be de-identified.

Want to communicate with someone?  Write them a letter and mail it. Or wait to talk to them in person.  (Novel idea, right?)

Try it for a while and you might just find that you like it.  And if it slows down entities like the NSA, so much the better.

July 24, 2013

10 pm Update: PSO Update on Storm Outages in Tulsa, 7-24-13

Filed under: Events — Tags: , , , , , — oksafeinc @ 3:27 pm

(If you have specific questions about your area, we suggest you call Oklahoma (PSO) Customer Service directly at 888-218-3919.)

Tulsa District – 10 pm 7/24/13 Update from PSO:

As of 9:30 p.m., Wednesday, July 24, PSO had restored power to nearly half of the approximately 96,000 customers in the Tulsa metro area who lost service in the early morning storm, and it continues its around-the-clock effort to complete power restoration as safely and efficiently as possible.

Rest of 10 pm update here, pluse outage map.


Tulsa District – 7 pm 7/24/13 Update from PSO:

As of 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 24, PSO had restored power to about 20,000 customers who lost service in the early morning storm, leaving approximately 76,300 customers in the Tulsa metro area without electric service. PSO has restored service to 16 main feeder power lines, with 76 still out of operation.

Customer outages continue to be most numerous in the southwestern portion of the metro area.

At present, there are approximately 370 PSO line and tree workers focused on restoring power in the Tulsa metro area. PSO has secured an additional 1,030 workers from other AEP companies and other utilities to support restoration efforts.

Based on damage assessment, and barring any future weather events, PSO estimates it could take until 5 p.m., Sunday, July 28, to complete power restoration to 95% of all customers who can take service. The electric service to many customers will be restored much sooner than that time.

This initial estimated time for completing power restoration will be updated as the storm recovery work progresses.

In accordance with pre-arranged plans, PSO will use a portion of Expo Square for parking the work vehicles of out-of-town crews, for refueling vehicles, and for staging materials.


OK-SAFE, Inc. – If you live in the northeastern part of the state of Oklahoma, Tulsa in particular, you may be one of the 93,000 without power today.

Last night (or early this morning) winds between 60-80 mph swept through this part of Oklahoma.  The following information is provided by PSO on expected duration of outages, and who to call about your situation.

PSO Link: https://www.psoklahoma.com/outages/details.aspx?stormName=July%2023-24%20Storm

Storm Response Update:  Wednesday, July 24, 2013 – 10:30 a.m.

PSO is dealing with significant weather-related power outages across the Tulsa metropolitan area due to a severe thunderstorm packing 60-80 mph winds that struck in the early morning hours.

Tulsa District
As of 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 24, approximately 93,000 customers in the Tulsa metro area were without electric service.  Customer outages are most numerous in the southwestern portion of the metro area.

At present, PSO has approximately 370 line and tree workers focused on restoring power in the Tulsa metro area.  An additional 1,030 workers from other AEP companies and other utilities have been requested to support restoration efforts.

At this early stage in the storm recovery PSO is still assessing damage to the electric system while working to make repairs and restore power.  Initial assessment found that there are a number of Distribution poles that are damaged along with several Transmission structures.  Currently, 93 main feeder lines are out of operation.  PSO hopes to complete damage assessment later today.

Also, later today PSO hopes to issue a “global” estimate of when power will be restored to all customers who are able to take power.  That initial estimated time for restoration will be updated as the storm recovery work progresses.

Customers should prepare for a multi-day power outage and are urged to take necessary steps to ensure their health and safety while PSO works to restore power.

For safety’s sake, assume that any downed utility line is energized with deadly electric current.  Stay away from the line and do not touch it with anything.  Report it to PSO at 1-888-216-3523.

We will continue to provide additional information to you as the restoration effort moves forward.

A “snapshot” view of current outages is available anytime at PSOklahoma.com. Go to the Outages and Problems section of the site and click “View Outage Map.”

Next Update: 07/24/2013 – Approximately 4:30 p.m.

 Oklahoma (PSO) Customer Service
(888) 218-3919

July 18, 2013

Why Health Care Costs So Much – Interview with Dr. G. Keith Smith

OK-SAFE, Inc. – On July 15, 2013 we had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. G. Keith Smith (Anesthesiologist) of the Surgery Center of Oklahoma on America in the Balance on Truth in Focus Internet radio.

Dr G Keith Smith photo

The Surgery Center of Oklahoma was established in 1997 by two doctors (Dr. Steven Lantier and Dr. G. Keith Smith) fed up with how hospitals were treating both the patients and the surgeons.

Right away they decided they would do two things very differently:

  1. They would never take a dime of government money.  “We just decided that the federal government is not a reliable, or an honest or a trustworthy partner or payer in any capacity.  And we did not want to take the leverage that went along with taking their money.  We also increasing saw, philosophically, accepting federal money as an act of theft.” Taking money from one neighbor to give it to someone else was unacceptable to them.
  2. They would engage in what they called “price honesty.” They decided their own prices and communicated this beforehand to the patient.  “This is what we charge and mean it.”

Soon, the Surgery Center of Oklahoma (SCO) became a haven for not only the uninsured, but people who lived outside of Oklahoma.  Patients from as far away as Canada come to the SCO, as well as from Massachusetts and Alaska.

Apparently this success dismayed the insurance establishment, who made multiple attempts to throw down roadblocks in their path – i.e., by steering patients away from them.

Dr. Smith provides a history of the health care system (see the Hill-Burton Act of 1946, for one), and goes into the specifics of why health care costs so much; the role “not-for-profit” hospitals play in distorting the costs of health care, and the manipulative pricing tactics employed by the insurance companies.

Those Privacy-Killing Electronic Health Records

At the bottom of the interview be sure to listen to the “The Four Buckets of Meaningful Use” audio, as a woman explains Stages 1 through 4 of the “Meaningfully Use” requirements for electronic health records.  Stages 1-4 can be summed up as, 1) adopt electronic health records technology, 2) capture data, 3) move the data, 4) report the data. All that “data” is about you, the patient, so it can be sent hither and yon, including to CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services).  In a nutshell, you are getting naked for more than just the doctor.

The Surgery Center of Oklahoma does not use electronic health records, recognizing their inherent risks, and belongs to no “network” of information sharing about their patients.


What can we in  Oklahoma do to avoid the pitfalls of “ObamaCare”?  One recommendation Dr. Smith makes is to avoid seeing a doctor attached to a hospital.  Independent providers are still out there – these are the ones to frequent.  Toward the end of the interview Dr. Smith provides a list of other options for health care, including options if you need a hospital.

About the Surgery Center of Oklahoma

“The Surgery Center of Oklahoma is a 32,535 square foot, state-of-the-art multispecialty facility in Oklahoma City, owned and operated by approximately 40 of the top surgeons and anesthesiologists in central Oklahoma.Soon, the Surgery Center became a haven for uninsured and more – people from as far away as Canada started showing up at their facility.”

“It is no secret to anyone that the pricing of surgical services is at the top of the list of problems in our dysfunctional healthcare system. Bureaucracy at the insurance and hospital levels, cost shifting and the absence of free market principles are among the culprits for what has caused surgical care in the United States to be cost prohibitive. As more and more patients find themselves paying more and more out of pocket, it is clear that something must change. We believe that a very different approach is necessary, one involving transparent and direct pricing.”

Government interference in health care is the problem.  Entities like The Surgery Center of Oklahoma are the solution.

Link to the Surgery Center of Oklahoma:  www.surgerycenterok.com

Address: 9500 N. Broadway Extension, Oklahoma City, OK 73114

Phone: 405-475-0678

Dr. Smith’s email: Ksmith@surgerycenterok.com
Be sure to check out Dr. Smith’s blog.

July 4, 2013

Working for the Tax Man – Post by OK Labor Commissioner Mark Costello

Filed under: Education — oksafeinc @ 5:27 pm

How far into the year do we have to work in order to meet our tax obligations? Until April 6th.

From OK Labor Commissioner Mark Costello:

Celebrating Our “Freedom” Earlier Next Year

By Oklahoma Labor Commissioner Mark Costello

Do you remember what you were doing on April 6th of this year? 

I think many of us would be hard-pressed to remember. It was a Saturday. In fact, Oklahoma City actually set a record high for the day at 74 degrees. Spring was in the air, and whether you knew it or not, it was a great day to breathe a sigh of relief. 

You see, in Oklahoma, April 6th was Tax Freedom Day. That’s the day that we “celebrate” our independence from the taxman, both in Washington D.C. and Oklahoma City.

According to the National Tax Foundation, from January 1 to April 6, 2013, every dime you earned went to paying your share of federal, state and local taxes. I think that makes April 6th a day to celebrate indeed! 

Oklahoma has always ranked near the bottom of the list for lowest overall tax burden, and this year we were 40th — for once it’s a good thing to be near the bottom of this list!

As we all know, the leadership in our own state capitol has made tax reform a priority and they should be applaud for it, but their work is not over. The tremendous tax burden that the federal government is pushing down to taxpayers is unprecedented. The growth in the IRS manpower to police the impending ObamaCare state is tremendous and we need any relief we can get. 

But with great opportunities such as ours, come the great responsibilities that all elected officials owe to their citizenry: the money we spend comes from you, the taxpayer. The more money we spend, the more the taxpayer must provide. It’s a responsibility that I take very seriously. If state agencies, authorities, boards and commissions can conservatively manage your tax dollars, the less we need and the more likely we are to see your tax burden shrink and the more money stays in your pocket. It’s an economic theory that seems so simple that it just might work. 

The lower the tax burden, the more competitive Oklahoma can be in attracting businesses and families to our state. A low tax burden leaves you the ability to make your own decisions, control your own destiny, and frankly, gives you the freedom to spend your money how you see fit. As we look forward to Independence Day I have a challenge for all of us elected office-holders.  We should be pushing tax policies that put more money into citizen’s pockets, therefore, increasing freedom. It is my goal to celebrate Tax Freedom day earlier and earlier every year. Let’s make that a goal for all of us. 

I’ve put a link to the National Tax Foundation on my Facebook page with links to the pertinent data for your review. You can find me at facebook.com/MarkCostelloforOklahoma.




Common Core Exemplifies What’s Wrong with the Republic

Opposition to Common Core continues to grow.  The article below is from Richard Fry, a colleague in Kansas:

Common Core Exemplifies the Problems with the Republic. And is part of the U.N.’s Sustainable Development

The Root Evil

The vast majority of conservative grass roots citizens will agree that the problems the Republic is facing comes from the fact that our “public servants” are no longer following the Constitution or the will of the majority  of citizens within the bounds of the Constitution.

Our public servants are no longer responsive to us nor represent our desires. Instead they serve the interest of special interest groups including the biggest special interest groups, the political parties themselves.

A few years ago I defined this as Representative Disconnect.

They tell us they are representing “our best interests” i.e., they know what is best for us, which bespeaks of a paternalistic government not a representative government.

Business and a Totalitarian Government

The Progressive Globalist wish to co-opt and nationalize business. The Conservative Globalist (GOP) are willing to be controlled  by business in a neo-fascism arrangement sometimes referred to as “crony capitalism”.  The bottom line is that  both desire a system of top down rule rather than bottom up governance. Either system will result in a totalitarian system in which the people are not treated as the sovereigns but another cog in production, a mere resource to be managed and manipulated.

Under this system we have no real right to privacy as our lives need to be managed for the well being of the collective. What we eat, where we live, how we live all needs to be managed to optimized the benefit to the collective. All our activities need to be monitored for compliance. Common Core (CC)  takes this monitoring to a whole new level.[i]

How Common Core Fits Into the Puzzle

Common Core (CC)  is at the very heart of this top down totalitarian system.

Bill Gates buying a new Educational System

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation paid hundreds of millions of dollars to have the common core developed and to promote it. BMGF paid two non-governmental entities (NGOs) , The National Association of Governors (NAG) and  the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO),  to retain an private organization (Achieve, Inc.)  to develop the standards. Rather than the public -private  partnership often touted by the fascist this was purely a private-private partnership. [ii]

Globalization of Education

Although these educational standards are promoted as “state common core standards” there is nothing about them which is from or related to the states except for the fact it is the states these “national” standards  are being foisted upon. In fact these represent a move toward globalization of education. [iii]

Citizen Liberty Pimped Again by State Government

Although the promoters of CC  say that states have voluntarily  signed up for the CC program the reality is they have been coerced and bribed by the federal government which  is of course in bed with this private-private enterprise.  Also in most states the CC has not been foisted upon the people  by their representative legislatures but sneaked in on the people through the state School Boards.   [iv]An example of imposing laws and policies through administrative / executive  action rather representative legislative action. Another hallmark of totalitarianism.

This is how it was done in Kansas. “It is easier to get forgiveness than permission”  is their ploy.

We are Free to Not Make a Choice

This  illusion of voluntariness  was even how it was done at the local level. I attended a seminar where a Kansas Department of Education attorney spoke how the adoption of the CC at the local district level was totally voluntary. Five minutes later she said the state would test based on the CC. When I later asked her if testing to the CC was in essence a “left-handed mandate requiring the local districts to adopt CC” she responded “Yes”.

The United Nations and Global Education

As noted there is a very strong international / global aspect to the CC. Some consider the NGA to be a conduit for the United Nations (U.N.)  into American education. [v] Bill Gates has been called the U.N.’s “sugar daddy” regarding the U.N.’s more recent efforts to affect U.S. and world education systems. [vi]This certainly is not be the first time the UN has tried to meddle in the U.S. education system. [vii]

Bill Gates has stated that  he has spent  $5 billion since 2000 to recreate the education system worldwide. [viii] Gates’ Microsoft  entered in to a written agreement with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on 11/17/2004 to help it promote its global educational effort. [ix]Microsoft is a partner with and sits on the Board of Directors of The Global Partnership for Education. [x]

The African Common Core System

The U.N.’s education program is being promoted in Africa by the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA). ADEA was set up under a differnt name in 1988 by the World Bank (part of the U.N.)[xi]

If you look at the phraseology used by ADEA for core curriculum for  Africa you will find it mirrors that used here in the states.[xii] First is the title of the document,  Common Core Skills for Lifelong Learning and Sustainable Development in Africa .  Certainly there is no pretense about what the primary objective is of this educational curriculum i.e., promoting the U.N.’s  political theory of Sustainable Development.[xiii]

It states:

           ” Building on the theme and outcomes of the ADEA Biennale held in Maputo the 2012 Triennale aims to assist towards educational   transformation by focusing on the core challenge of how to    promote critical knowledge, skills and competencies for sustainable development in Africa in the framework of life long learning.”

(Emphasis added.)

          “This common core needs to be the foundation for all people, young         and old, enabling them to contribute to the promotion of sustainable   development: in terms of preservation of the environment, the    careful use of natural resources, the construction of inclusive      societies and the fostering of peace and solidarity.

          ” The effort made to shift paradigm in education, the need for which had been reiterated in the Maputo Biennale, continues to be          imperative in the area of basic education as the initial        structured           form of acquiring skills and competencies for children,     youth and adults. The acquisition of common core skills by all can   never succeed without corresponding shifts towards adopting           a holistic, integrated and inclusive approach to basic         education, the   move towards a diversified but equitable    basic education system and thus the full recognition of     alternative pathways for education and training; and Sub-Theme 1:       Common core skills for lifelong learning and sustainable           development in Africa 8/12 the emphasis of reform on learning processes and outcomes that are relevant in learners‟  lives and         in the context of sustainable development.”


The reality is that the transformation of the U.S. educational system via the U.N.’s educational theory,  Common Core, in support of its political theory Sustainable Development , is yet one more method being used by the Globalist  to undermine the fundamental principles of this Republic.

 It is treason to the principles of the Republic and destructive of the Liberty of its citizens.

Our elected officials have a duty under their oath to the Constitution and our state officers under the principle of Allegiance and Protection to education the citizenry as to what is going on and to rally them to defeat these attacks on our American way of life. However, once again they are failing in their duty.

Our  main focus must be to build awareness  of the source of our Liberty ,the scope of our servants duty and a healthy respect for what will happen to those who do not respect our Liberty or uphold their oath.

For the sake of liberty,

Richard D. Fry

November Patriots

General Counsel

Patriot Coalition

 [i] Tiffany Gabbay,  Indoctrination and Data Mining in Common Core: Here’s Why America’s Schools May Be in More Trouble Than You Think, The Blaze (03/27/2013) http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/27/indoctrination-and-data-mining-in-common-core-heres-why-americas-schools-may-be-in-more-trouble-than-you-think/

Indoctrination Here! Common Core Standards: The UN Has Penetrated America’s Public School System (Supporting Videos!) (03/28/2013) http://vineoflife.net/2013/03/28/indoctrination-here-common-core-standards-the-un-has-penetrated-americas-public-school-system-supporting-videos/

[ii] Dave Hodges Rotten to the (Common) Core, The Daily Sheeple, (1/20/2013) http://www.thedailysheeple.com/rotten-to-the-common-core_012013Anne Hendershott, The Ambitions of Bill and Melinda Gates: Controlling Population and Public Education, Crisis Magizine (03/25/2013) http://www.crisismagazine.com/2013/the-ambitions-of-bill-and-melinda-gates-controlling-population-and-public-education

[iii]Phyllis Schlafly, Bill Gates Teams Up With UNESCO, Eagle Forum (11/30/2005) http://www.eagleforum.org/column/2005/nov05/05-11-30.html

[iv]Common Core vs. Heritage Academy’s Standards, National center for Constitutional studies

[v]Dave Hodges Rotten to the (Common) Core, The Daily Sheeple, (1/20/2013) http://www.thedailysheeple.com/rotten-to-the-common-core_012013

[vi]Phyllis Schlafly, Bill Gates Teams Up With UNESCO, Eagle Forum (11/30/2005) http://www.eagleforum.org/column/2005/nov05/05-11-30.html

[vii]Phyllis Schlafly, Bill Gates Teams Up With UNESCO, Eagle Forum (11/30/2005) http://www.eagleforum.org/column/2005/nov05/05-11-30.html

[viii]Top Ten Scariest People in Education Reform: # 5 – Bill Gateshttp://whatiscommoncore.wordpress.com/

[ix]Phyllis Schlafly, Bill Gates Teams Up With UNESCO, Eagle Forum (11/30/2005) http://www.eagleforum.org/column/2005/nov05/05-11-30.html

[x]The Global Partnership for Education,http://www.globalpartnership.org/who-we-are/partners/private-sector-foundations/ (The Global Partnership for Education started as the Education for All – Fast Track Initiative (EFA FTI) in 2002);

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_for_All_%E2%80%93_Fast_Track_Initiative (“The Education for All Fast-track Initiative (EFA FTI) was created as the first ever global compact on education, to help low-income countries achieve a free, universal basic education.[citation needed] It was launched in 2002 as a global partnership between donor and developing country partners to ensure accelerated progress towards the Millennium Development Goal of universal primary education by 2015.”) ;


(The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight international developmentgoals that were officially established following the Millennium Summit of the United Nations in 2000, following the adoption of the United Nations Millennium Declaration.)


[xii] Concept Note on the Sub-Theme 1 Common Core Skills for Lifelong Learning and Sustainable Development in Africa

[xiii]Concept Note on the Sub-Theme 1 Common Core Skills for Lifelong Learning and Sustainable Development in Africa


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