OK-SAFE, Inc. Blog

June 27, 2009

Massive H.R. 2454 Passes House

Filed under: Education — Tags: , , , , , , — oksafeinc @ 2:18 am

The size of a phone book, the massive ‘crap and trade’ bill, H.R. 2454, passed the House today (6/26/09) by a vote of 219-212.  

The following 8 ‘Republicans’ voted YES on this horrendous bill:
  1. Bono Mack – CA
  2. Castle – DE
  3. Kirk – IL
  4. Lance – NJ
  5. LoBiondo – NJ
  6. McHugh – NY
  7. Reichart – WA
  8. Smith – NJ

If 4 of these 8 ‘Republicans’ had voted NO this costly bill would have failed.  Instead, they all failed the American public.

Everyone of them should be voted out of office, along with the 211 other bombastic gluttons who passed this costly legislation.

The bill now moves to the Senate – start calling.

June 25, 2009

Call Today! Massive Stealth Energy Bill – H.R. 2454

The 111th U.S. Congress is considering a vote this week on the massive, stealth energy bill known as the “American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009.”  H.R. 2454 (soon-to-be H.R. 2998). 

“Americans Cleaned Out with No Energy or Security Act of 2009” would be a more appropriate title.

Over 557 pages (with 300 more pending) this bill represents a massive growth of government and would negatively affect all types of energy generation and use both public and private; all modes of transportation;  all utilities; all building codes; a nd basically every facet of living.   This bill also includes the cap-and-trade scheme which is really a massive tax hike, as well as efforts to curb ‘global warming’.  

Estimated cost per household is over $3100/year.

Given the current economic crisis the country is facing, no one in their right mind would vote for this log-rolled bill.  All of us, including members of AARP and those on fixed-incomes, need to call  their legislators TODAY and tell them to vote NO on the Waxman-Markey bill.   This bill should not see the light of day.

H.R. 2454 – American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009

Call D.C. today and tell your legislator to vote NO! on H.R. 2454 and H.R. 2998: 

U.S. House Switchboard: 1-202-225-3121

AARP Contact number: 1-888-267-2277.

June 14, 2009

2009 Freedom 21 Conference – Oklahoma, August 13-15, 2009

Our country has changed dramatically over the last 2 decades, leaving most people wondering what happened. 

International policy agreements such as Agenda 21 and other treaties have caused the American people to lose more of the freedoms traditionally enjoyed in this country.

From personal, property and travel rights, to education and health care choices, life as we’ve known it has changed.
Freedom21 has worked for the last 10 years to educate citizens and public officials about the reality of the political agenda known as Sustainable Development and its ultimate outcome – the destruction of private property and the end of freedom for the American public. 

For the first time ever, the Freedom21 National Conference will be held in Oklahoma, the state in the national spotlight for standing up for what is right.

Special guest speakers include Chuck Baldwin, PA Representative Sam Rohrer, OK Senator Randy Brogdon, OK Representative Charles Key, Dr. Michael Coffman, Tom DeWeese, Dr. Jeff Marrongelle, Marc Marano, Larry Pratt, Michael Shaw, Allen Quist, Patrick Wood, Michael Chapman, G. Edward Griffin, and many more.

Sponsored by the American Policy Center, Freedom21 Inc., as well as OK-SAFE, Inc. and 18 other co-sponsors, this conference offers the opportunity to hear the no-spin facts about our country and what to do about it.  It also affords attendees the opportunity to network with other groups and individuals who are taking positive action to restore freedom and traditional values to this country.

For those who have been asking “What do we do now?” The answer is simple – make plans today to attend the Freedom 21 National Conference, August 13-15, 2009 in Midwest City, OK.

Take action armed with the real facts and the real truth.

Conference: August 13-15, 2009

Location: Reed Conference Center, Sheraton Midwest City Hotel, Midwest City, OK

Registration Information: http://www.freedom21.org or http://www.ok-safe.com

“Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”

Thomas Paine 






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