OK-SAFE, Inc. Blog

November 17, 2011

OK-SAFE Response to Federal Health Care Reform committee


AP reporter Sean Murphy on Tuesday asked OK-SAFE Executive Director Amanda Teegarden for some comments about the 2011 Joint Legislative Committee and Health Care Reform Law. (Teegarden spoke to this committee on 11/3/11 in Tulsa.)

Formed at the conclusion of the last legislative session to examine the impact of the federal health care reform law on Oklahoma, this committee held its’ fifth (and final) meeting on Tuesday, 11/15/11 in the House chambers.

Video of the meetings is posted on the OK House website.

Below are the five questions asked and OK-SAFE’s responses.*

Q. 1 )   Do you think the Oklahoma Legislature should ignore the federal requirement that a health care exchange be established? If so, why?  

  • Yes, we think the Oklahoma Legislature should ignore the federal requirements for an exchange.
  •  While we can appreciate the complexity of the health care issue in general, we believe that the main problem with this committee’s efforts was the fact that health care reform was not defined to begin with.  Health care reform is actually about the development of the IT (information technology) framework that establishes a Nationwide Health Information Network, the creation of an electronic health record on everyone, the flow of highly personal information across jurisdictions, and government access to everyone’s health and medical records.
  • Several presenters actually spoke about this Nationwide Health Information Network as a “federal data hub” – one presenter referred to what the feds are doing as being like “something out of a TV show.”
  • What this “hub” does is allow the federal government access to any and all information a state may have on it’s citizens, including their health and medical records.
  • The state of Oklahoma is progressively developing the infrastructure necessary to help facilitate this federal data hub, sometimes referred to a “globally integrated and networked intelligence enterprise”.

Q. 2)   What about the provision that provides if a state doesn’t establish an exchange, the feds will do it for them?

  • The state of Oklahoma has been establishing “health care reform” for a while now, and in 2010 established a public-beneficiary public trust called the Oklahoma Health Information Exchange Trust (OHIET).  (SB 1373 in 2010).
  • This trust is establishing the ‘network of networks’ that allow for the seamless flow of electronic health records (including medical records) throughout the state, and elsewhere.
  • The OHIET’s purpose is to establish the framework for health information exchange , to establish a ‘network of networks’ and to link providers, payers and patients.
  • According the OHIET’s Cooperative Agreement with the Office of the National Coordinator (the feds), the OHIET plans to align the state’s health information exchange(s) with the federal requirements.
  • Because the OHIET trust has been actively implementing the technological infrastructure necessary for “ObamaCare” to function in this state, it doesn’t matter if the state establishes a state-based health insurance exchange or lets the federal government establish it for us.  The functionality of a state-based insurance exchange will be the same as the federal governments exchange and it will be linked to the health information exchanges.

The OHIET HIE logic model. Do we really want this system in Oklahoma? Do we want to make it easier for the feds to access our health records?

Q. 3)   Do you think the state should count on the health care law being overturned/dismantled by a the Supreme Court or a future administration?

  • Because of the OHIETs activities and other agencies’ activities, it won’t really matter if the Court finds the individual mandate unconstitutional. The technological framework establishing the two exchanges – the health information and the health insurance exchange – and linking to the Nationwide Health Information Network, is moving forward.
  • The only differences allowed in a state-based insurance exchange would be those differences that don’t make a difference.  For instance, the state has some flexibility in defining who the Navigators will be and the role they’ll play, and whether the exchange website portal functions like Expedia or not.
  • All of the technological standards, interoperability and information sharing requirements, as well as government and third party access to records, will be aligned with the federal governments requirements.

Q. 4)   What are your thoughts about the ability of the tea party and other grassroots conservative groups like yours to successfully fight against the establishment of the exchanges and to resist the implementation of the federal health care law in Oklahoma?

  • While we’re not speaking for all the grassroots groups in Oklahoma, we think the state should not establish a health insurance exchange. It’s contrary to what the people of Oklahoma want, and we already voted against it  (at least, we thought we did).
  • Politically, it would be better to let the feds take all the blame for what is going to happen.  Any legislator who decides to move forward with an exchange – whether a state-based non-profit, a for-profit, or a hybrid – is going to be forever linked to it.
  • Next year is an election year – it is my understanding that the citizens of Oklahoma will be making an issue of the health insurance exchanges.

Q. 5)   What are your thoughts in general about this task force and the work they’ve conducted, recommendations they should make?

  • In general, the committee chairs leaned toward speakers that favored the establishment of a state-based insurance exchange and who advocated for following the requirements of ARRA and PPACA.  Other than two speakers from OCPA, OK-SAFE was about the only other “conservative” organization featured.
  • OK-SAFE Recommendations: Don’t build a state-based exchange in any format.  Allow providers, payers and patient an escape route – they should not have to play (or pay) into this “network of networks”; let them function outside any and all exchanges without penalty.
  • Further recommendation:  Terminate the OHIET trust and audit the OHCA.

*It is not known when, or if, these responses will used by the AP reporter, who sent his request on 11/15/11.

In the meantime, write your legislator and tell them we still mean NO to “Obamacare” – and this includes the exchanges.

[Go to http://www.oklegislature.gov, click on Legislators to see contact information.]

October 24, 2011

Health Care Reform Law/Exchanges Meetings – OKC and Tulsa

OK-SAFE, Inc. – The third meeting of the joint legislative committee to examine the effects of the federal health care reform law (Affordable Care Act, aka “ObamaCare”, etc.) on Oklahoma will be held in the Senate Chambers at the Capitol on Wednesday, October 26, 2011.

The meeting will run from 9 am to approx. 4 pm and should be available for viewing online.

The third meeting features speakers addressing the impact on Indian Health; status of lawsuits, and the ballot question opposing the mandate; federal vs. state exchanges; constitutional issues; what other states are doing.

Every Oklahoman with concerns about the implementation of health insurance exchanges (now “marketplaces”), electronic health records (EHRs) being shared everywhere, or infringements on your medical privacy needs to attend these meetings.

Committee co-chairs are Sen. Gary Stanislawski and Rep. Glen Mulready.

Contact Senator Gary Stanislawski’s or Rep. Glen Mulready’s office to be notified of meetings.

Sen. Stanislawski: 405-521-5624
Rep. Mulready: 405-557-7340

The agenda for the third meeting in OKC is below, including the names of the joint committee members. This meeting will be held in the Senate Chambers and audio/visual should be available online.

[NOTE: The fourth meeting, scheduled for Thursday, November 3rd, 2011, will be held at the Tulsa Technology Center, Riverside Campus. Amanda Teegarden, Executive Director of OK-SAFE, Inc., is one of the scheduled presenters on that date, addressing the technology, security & privacy concerns associated with the implementation of health care reform. The fifth, and last, meeting will be in OKC on Nov. 15, 2011.]




SUBJECT: Third Meeting

MEETING DATE: Wednesday, October 26, 2011

MEETING TIME: 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 pm (approx. end time)

LOCATION: Senate Chamber, State Capitol Building


1. 9:00 – 10:00 – Affordable Care Act impact on Indian Health – Jefferson Keel, Lt. Governor, Chickasaw Nation

2. 10:00 – 10:45 – Status of PPACA lawsuits, what the ballot question did for Oklahoma – Pat Wyrick, Oklahoma Solicitor General

3. 10:45 – 11:30 – Comparison of Federal vs. State based Exchanges – David Blatt, Director of Oklahoma Policy Institute

4. 1:00 – 1:45 – Constitutional issues – Andy Spiropoulos, Professor of Law and Director of the Center for the Study of State Constitutional Law and Government, OCU School of Law

5. 1:45 – 3:00 – What other States are doing – Laura Tobler, Health Programs Director, Martha Salazar, Policy Associate, NCSL

6. Other Business

Committee Members:
Senate Appointees: House Appointees:

Senator Gary Stanislawski, Co-Chair Rep. Glen Mulready, Co-Chair

Senator Cliff Aldridge Rep. Doug Cox

Senator Bill Brown Rep. Randy Grau

Senator Sean Burrage Rep. Danny Morgan

Senator Brian Crain Rep. Jeannie McDaniel

Senator John Sparks Rep. Jason Nelson

To call these legislators, see their contact information here. Click on Legislators link, then Senate of House members pages.

There OK legislature has created a website detailing these meetings: http://www.okhealthcare.info – check for meeting details, including presentations.

NOTE: The second meeting took place on October 5, 2011 at the Tulsa Technology Center, Riverside Campus, and featured speakers from the OK Insurance Dept., providers, and insurance underwriters. One presenter, Janet Trautwein, of NAHU, hinted at the development of the federal data hub. Video of this event is here.

Psalm 118: 8,9 – “It is better to take refuge in the LORD, than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the LORD, than to trust in princes.”

October 7, 2011

“The New Oklahoma Economy – Global, Social, Sustainable, Strategic” – Notes on Oct. 2011 Meeting


Oklahoma’s Economic Development Council (OEDC) recently held its’ annual summit, October 3-4, 2011, in Norman, OK.

The title of this year’s summit was “The New Oklahoma Economy – Global, Social, Sustainable, Strategic” and, as the title suggests, our “betters” are planning the future for the rest of us.

In a nutshell – the new economy is:

  • Global – The increased utilization of multinational corporations – and foreign direct investment – to further develop a ‘knowledge-based economy’;
  • Social – Both the business and government sectors will be increasing their utilization of social media -Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter –  to market their products and to further the ideas of sustainable development.  Social media are used as data aggregation tools;
  • Sustainable – Passive technology based jobs (i.e. Green Energy/Clean Energy).  Only a few will qualify for the higher-paid positions, while the rest of the population will operate in support positions, i.e. service industries;
  • Strategic  – Meaning public/private partnerships, now called strategic alliances.  Generally, these are 3-way partnerships between an anchor business, academia, and the government.  The anchor will generally be a multinational corporation “for the big projects”.

The OEDC has posted all the speakers presentations on their website (here.)

One notable quote came from Erika Lucas, Global Business Services at the OK Department of Commerce when she responded to a question from the audience about trade policies and lost American jobs.

Lucas responded, “Something else to add, when you look at the portfolio of jobs that have gone to China, Mexico, you have to really ask the question of whether we want those jobs back. Okay, we’re talking advanced manufacturing. I mean, what jobs, look at the portfolios of the jobs that have left, and more than likely those were not high paid jobs, especially those that went to China.  Now I’m not saying that all of them were not, but, you know,  I do hear a lot of, you know, oh, workers investments, a lot of the jobs are coming back from China, but are they the right type of jubs we’re hunting for? In my opinion, they’re not.”

In response to the question “Is the Department of Commerce actively pursuing foreign direct investment by China?” Lucas answered, “We’re open for investments from any country…. there is a lot of interest from the Chinese to bring investment in this country…we have a trade office in China for FDI….So, the answer would be yes, we are looking at it. It is not our primary market.”

More notes on the Summit to follow shortly.

August 31, 2011

“The New Oklahoma Economy” – Insiders’ Summit: Global, Social, Sustainable, Strategic – Oct. 3-4, 2011

OK-SAFE, Inc. – August 31, 2011

It’s nice to have friends in high places who send you announcements every now and then.

There is something outrageous going on in every corner of this state, making it a challenge to keep up with activities, or to even decide which one to focus on. Networking amongst the grassroots is helpful in keeping up with various events and issues of concern, especially those events and issues that are advancing the sovereignty-killing tenets of globalization (the “new economy”), the rising technocracy, sustainable development, and foreign direct investment by the Chinese.

For a mere $300 one can attend (along with the political insiders) a single conference advancing all of these killer policies at one time – in Norman, OK.

One can also get a heads-up on what the 2012 OK legislative session will be emphasizing.  (That is, in addition to the establishment of a health insurance “marketplace” to replace the “exchanges” of last session.  More on that at a later date.)

The OEDC (Oklahoma Economic Development Council) is sponsoring the  2011 OEDC’ Economic Development SummitThe New Oklahoma Economy: Global, Social, Sustainable, Strategic.  October 3-4, 2011, Norman, OK at the Embassy Suites.

The entire agenda is below.  Governor Mary Fallin (referred to as the state’s “CEO”), is a keynote speaker, as well as Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb.

Fallin’s topic on October 3, 2011 is “selling” Oklahoma in this new economy.  Selling it to whom? The Chinese?

Folks may want to contact our “CEO” and ask her this very question.  And what are Todd Lamb’s intentions?

Governor Fallin: 405-521-2342, Toll free: 800-865-5853

Lt. Governor Todd Lamb – 405-521-2161

Link to OEDC 2011 Summit Agenda: 2011SummitAgenda_8_24_11






Monday, October 3rd
8:00 Registration Open – Coffee and Exhibitor Showcase

8:30-8:45 Welcome and Introductions – Judee Snodderly, OEDC President

8:45-9:00 “The New Economy – Global/Social/Sustainable/Strategic” – 2011 Summit Chair, Richard Cornelison, OG&E

9:00-9:30 “Oklahoma’s CEO” – The Honorable Mary Fallin, Governor, State of Oklahoma
Governor Fallin will discuss her plan to sell Oklahoma in this new economy

9:30-10:30 “Oklahoma’s Strategic Assets: Capitalizing on Our Global Position in the New Economy”- Sandy Pratt,
Oklahoma Dept. of Commerce

The Oklahoma Department of Commerce will discuss the state’s growth potential, competitive edge and location trends to determine
targeted industry sectors in the 21st century economy.

10:30-10:45 Exhibitor Showcase & Networking Break

10:45-11:45 Break-out sessions- choose from four- they repeat three times
1. Global- Economic Development/Foreign Direct Investments- Gene DePrez-Global Innovation
Our economies have become global. What happens in Europe, S. America, Africa and Asia affects companies in the United
States. Mr. DePrez will discuss economic development in today’s global environment, including a discussion on Foreign Direct
Investment (FDI).

2. Social/Social Media-ED communications/operations using social media- Mark James,
ED Solutions, Inc.
Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and many other types of social media and technology drive companies behaviors, marketing
messages and market communications. Mr. James will discuss the impact of social media on the practice of economic
development as well as how to position and communicate to compete. What does your state and region need to be doing?
Find out!

3. Sustainable/Economic Sustainability- Knowledge Economy: Innovation, entrepreneurship, technology- Piyush Patel, PL Studios, Inc., Green Economy: Renewable, sustainability, creating jobs in the new economy- Jeff Finkle, IEDC
With technology and innovation driving systemic changes in our economy, including job creation and investments for entrepreneurs as well as the green economy. Mr. Patel and Mr. Finkle will discuss what this means to economic development and what steps we need to take capture the investments and jobs in this environment of sustainability.

4. Strategy/Strategy is Everything – why being strategic matters and how to do it- Greg Main, President, St. Gregory’s University
How do you get to where you need to go? What competitive advantage have you created in your state/region that will allow companies to succeed? With limited resources, making tough decisions about investments in ED is critical. Mr. Main will discuss why being strategic in today’s new economy is critical to long-term success.

11:45 -12 Exhibitor Showcase & Networking Break

12-1:00 Keynote Address- “Economic Development in the New Economy”- Jeff Finkle, President/CEO, International Economic Development Council (IEDC)
Mr. Finkle will give an overview of the state of economic development and will discuss the issues he believes are critical to continue to growing jobs and capital investment in this new economy.

1:00-1:15 Exhibitor Showcase Networking Break

1:15-2:30 Repeat all four breakout sessions as described above

2:30-2:45 Exhibitor Showcase Networking Break

2:45-4:00 Repeat all four breakout sessions as described above

4:15-5:00 “Targeted Marketing and Branding”- Lea Taylor, What if Creative
Mrs. Taylor, President of What if Creative and Executive Director of the Greater Fort Smith Regional Alliance will discuss what you need to create a marketing message, how to strategically target companies and how to develop and branding message that makes an impact in today’s new economy.

5:00-6:00 Networking Reception and Exhibitor Showcase- Sponsored by Norman Convention and Visitors Bureau, Norman Economic Development Council and Norman Chamber of Commerce

Tuesday, October 4th

8:00-8:30 Coffee and Exhibitor Showcase networking break

8:30-9:30 “The Other GDP- An Oklahoma Assessment”- Del Boyette, Boyette Strategic Advisors
Mr. Boyette, former head of AEDC and President/CEO of Boyette Strategic Advisors will discuss how to target and approach corporate decision makers and investment impact in this new economy. He will also explain how states/regions should be strategic in their approaches. He will also provide his assessment of Oklahoma’s effort and will reveal his top 10 list for Oklahoma.

9:30-9:45 Exhibitor Showcase & Networking Break

10:00-11:00 “Strategic Partnerships/Collaborative Initiatives”- Josh O’Brien- i2e and Greater Oklahoma City Chamber; Dr. Terry Golding- Amethyst Research, Inc. /OK Sensor Alliance; Brien Thorstenberg (Moderator)
Hear from two organizations that have figured it out. Collaboration and cooperation, along with articulated strategies, have allowed these two dynamic groups to flourish and have a significant impact on Oklahoma’s economy. Are you thinking strategically within your region? If not, this panel will have the ideas on what’s worked for them.

11:00-12:00 “Oklahoma’s Strengths & Weaknesses from a Business Perspective”-
•Siobhan Reilly, Food ProTech, Stillwater
•Jay Wade, Red Earth Systems, OKC
•Joe Robillard, President of Autoquip, Inc. in Guthrie
•Ken Parker, NextThought, Norman
•Kay Wade (Moderator)
Rural or urban, large or small, capital intensive or labor intensive, different industry sectors- every region and state has advantages.
These companies and their leaders found Oklahoma offered them what they needed to invest here. What do we do right, what needs to be improved? This panel will offer invaluable insight into the minds of business decision makers in our state.

12-1:30 Keynote Luncheon- Oklahoma’s Plan for Success
•Secretary of Commerce David Lopez
•The Honorable Todd Lamb, Lieutenant Governor, State of Oklahoma,
•Bob Sullivan Governor’s Economic Development Group
•OEDC’s Economic Development Professional of the Year

Hear from those in government and executive leadership positions on where Oklahoma needs to go from here. In this new economy, howdo  compete? What’s the next big idea? How do we create a strategy at the state level that can be implemented and shared with
regional partnerships and rural/urban communities? How do we leverage our assets and create an environment that keeps us competitive in this global, social, sustainable and strategic economy?

1:30-2:30 The Skinny on Consultant Relationships- Gene Stinson, Executive Director, Southern Economic Development

Council (SEDC). Ever wonder what consultants do? How they make their decisions and why some states/regions get selected for RFP’s and others don’t?

Mr. Stinson, Executive Director for SEDC, will give you his insight on what they do and why they do it.

2:30 Wrap-Up/Adjourn

July 10, 2011

UPDATE on Sleeping with the Enemy – NGA Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah – July 2011

A few updates on OK-SAFE blog post Sleeping with the Enemy -National Governors Association to Pair U.S. Governors and  Chinese Party Leaders, dated 6/7/11.

1)  A Media Advisory issued July 8th by the Governor’s office has confirmed that Governor Mary Fallin will be attending the NGA Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah July 13-17, 2011.

Up to now, calls and emails to OK Governor Mary Fallin questioning her participation at the upcoming NGA U.S.-China Governors Forum in Salt Lake City, Utah have gone unanswered.

Additional emails and calls are needed now that her attendance has been confirmed – just exactly what are her intentions at this conference?

Phone: 405-521-2342, 800-865-5853

Email: info@gov.ok.gov

2)  Calls and emails are needed to Lt. Governor Todd Lamb, who answered “Yes” to the question “Is your office planning to actively seek foreign direct investment in the state of Oklahoma?”

Phone: 405-521-2161

Email: info@gov.ok.gov, attention Lt. Gov. Lamb.

3)  Missing MOU document Found: The MOU Creating the U.S.-China Governors Forum was noticeably absent from the U.S. State Department’s website a full 6 months after its announcement. After repeated inquiries, this document is now available on the U.S. State Department’s website. Details on the OK-SAFE blog.

Getting it Right – “Ohio Gov. John Kasich has decided to drop out of the National Governors Association. With state finances tighter than tight, he wants to save the dues of $176,000 a year…. The Kasich administration will leave the bipartisan group at the end of this month. He will not attend its annual conference in July in Salt Lake City.” Rest here.

Too bad OK Governor Fallin didn’t make the same decision.


Interview with Prof. William Kauffman on America in the Balance

Guest Prof. William “Bill” Kauffman, Retired, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan, President, Explosion Research and Investigation Corporation, was forced into retirement when he began questioning the University’s ties with Communist Chinese, including sharing defense technology. Kauffman is a contributor to the china-threat.com website.


January 10, 2011

Political Doublespeak – Buyer Beware

Marketing 101: Nothing happens until something is sold.

A lot of marketing in hopes of selling occurred during the 2010 election cycle in Oklahoma.  That marketing involved plenty of speeches using positive, desirable, familiar words and catch-phrases, and ideas folks could rally around and embrace.  People bought those words and ideas.

Upon hearing a familiar word or phrase, most folks assume that a specific word or phrase means what it means in the general sense; that it means what they understand it to mean.  For instance, most folks assume that “securing the border” means protecting and defending our country’s borders against invasion; it implies the federal government is limiting access, putting up a fence, etc.

In reality, “securing the border” means the addition and utilization of ISR technology – intelligence gathering, installation and usage of surveillance  technology, and reconnaissance – so the government can watch who’s entering illegally, for the financial benefit of defense contractors.   (While the border patrol agents get bean-bag  rounds to use against real bullets.) 

Securing the border doesn’t actually mean putting up a fence or stopping the invasion of our country at the border.  “Securing our border” is political doublespeak.

Politicians, much like products at the store,  are packaged, marketed and sold during an election. This marketing includes the use of specific talking points during speeches, easy sound bites, and  repeated TV commercials professionally produced by expensive advertising companies. 

This marketing includes the use of appealing, hopeful, familiar words and phrases during a campaign.

The public assumes the meaning of the words and phrases (the political doublespeak), believes the marketing, and buys the product by casting a vote for that politician.  

Noted below are a few words and phrases heard during the recent political campaigns in Oklahoma; their assumed meaning; and the political reality. 

Political reality demands  “Buyer Beware”. 

Word Assumed Meaning Real/Political Meaning
Advanced Forward; progressive; implies ‘better’ Refers to technology developed by/for the Dept. of Defense morphed into commercial use
Career Means of earning a living; a profession, chosen by the individual Entry level job in a government-approved service industry; planned via soviet-styled S-T-W education system
Knowledge-based Economy Economy employing knowledgeable, well-educated people and practices Economy based on the acquisition and analysis of information, utilizing technology; data driven
Quality Jobs Excellent, high wage, long-term jobs Industry-specific, temporary, low-wage, entry-level jobs in Enterprise/HUB Zones; dependent on tax incentives
Small Business A locally-owned small business started by an individual with the his own money SBA approved business– i.e. “minority” or “veteran-owned,” located in an Enterprise/HUB Zone – given preferential treatment, undermining free enterprise
Reduce the cost-driversof doing business Applies to all businesses; minimizes restrictive permitting, fees, zoning, regulations, etc. Applies to select businesses only; includes tax credits/incentives, TIF districts, and elimination of competition
Smaller, smarter government Defunding/cessations of un-enumerated activities and agencies Public-Private Partnerships; increased use of technology; outsourcing some functions
Create more jobs Government gets out of the way-free enterprise system allowed to work Directing funds (earmarks) to specific businesses; “Quality jobs” legislation that favors them; tax incentives
Government needs to be run more like a business Government operating in an orderly manner, not wasting taxpayers’ money, while still operating within its’ proper authority and respecting the God-given rights of the individual; operates as a sovereign entity with a constitution, with separate but equal Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches.Gov’t. does not function as a business. Government operates from a business plan, focusing on revenue generation, cost savings, and efficiencies. Functions of government are viewed as services; services to the public are considered a business process & commoditized. May lead to outsourcing government services referred to as “business processes” to “eliminate waste, create efficiencies, and reduce fragmentation.”Citizens viewed as an asset or liability; are charged for using services.

October 5, 2010

Reminder – OKC Action Forum Thursday, October 7, 2010

Filed under: Education — Tags: , , , , , , , , , — oksafeinc @ 2:39 am

The next OK-SAFE Action Forum will be this Thursday, Oct. 7, 2010.

Location: The Village Library, 10307 N. Penn Ave., The Village Library, The Village, OK (north OKC)

Time: 6:30pm – 8:15 pm.

Subjects covered will include a brief power point on the Earmark process, how the appropriation process works, who are the requestors and recipients of the money in Oklahoma.  Discussion will also cover the subject of HUB Zones, (federal designations), enterprise zones & opportunity zones (state designations), and which technology companies are linked to them.

Be prepared for a lively group discussion on the 11 state questions on the upcoming November 2, 2010 Oklahoma ballot.  OK-SAFE’s State Question Summary is available on our website at www.ok-safe.com, just click on Non-Partisan Oklahoma Voter Guide or download pdf here.

After the Octoer 7th meeting the  OK-SAFE Action Forums will be changing to a different meeting schedule, with the dates of the meetings to be determined as needed and convenient for attendance.  This move will allow for more time for research, open up the calendar for a different meeting schedule and allow for more content.

It will also help alleviate the ‘so many meetings to attend’ anxiety many  Oklahoma activists have expressed having and which has shown to be counterproductive.

Stayed tuned for notices of future meeting times, dates, and locations.

See you at 6:30 pm, Thursday, Oct. 7 at The Village Library in Oklahoma City, OK.

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