OK-SAFE, Inc. Blog

July 25, 2013

Amendment Curtailing the NSA Fails in the House

OK-SAFE, Inc. – On Wednesday, July 24, 2013 the U.S. House failed to pass an amendment to the 2014 Defense funding bill that would have ensured none of the funds could be used by the National Security Agency (NSA) to “collect records, including telephone call records that pertain to persons who are not subject to an investigation under Section 215” of the Patriot Act.

The Amash amendment (Amendment #100) to the Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2014 was defeated on Wednesday July 24th by a vote of 205-217.

The White House and NSA Director General Keith Alexander lobbied Congress heavily to defeat this amendment.

Global Economy – Data Driven

Living in a borderless “global economy” means the end of everything, as we once knew it – nation, law, and boundaries.  Those boundaries are not just those within and around a country, state, institution or agency, but personal boundaries as well, including what we have thought of as our inherent right to privacy. 

Our so-called global economy is knowledge-based and data-dependent; information is the “fuel” that feeds it. “Privacy” and “rights” are considered antiquated and inconvenient ideals; barriers that, in the minds of some, must be eliminated.

NSA – Data Vampire

One of those entities that believe that individual privacy and rights are a hindrance to their objectives is the National Security Agency (NSA). The NSA wants to know everything about everybody, everywhere, at anytime, without restriction.

For a visual reminder of the NSA’s objectives, see the their 2008 publication entitled Vision 2015 – A Globally integrated and Networked Intelligence Enterprise.

Vision 2015 Decision AdvantageVision 2015 Excerpt:


Integrate foreign, military, and domestic intelligence capabilities through policy, personnel and technology actions to provide decision advantage to policy makers, warfighters and homeland security officials and law enforcement personnel.- J.M. McConnell – Director of National Intelligence

We live in a dynamic world in which the pace, scope, and complexity of change are increasing. The continued march of globalization, the growing number of independent actors, and advancing technology have increased global connectivity, interdependence and complexity, creating greater uncertainties, systemic risk and a less predictable future. These changes have led to reduced warning times and compressed decision cycles. Although this interconnected world offers many opportunities for technological innovation and economic growth, it also presents unique challenges and threats. In this environment, the key to achieving lasting strategic advantage is the ability to rapidly and accurately anticipate and adapt to complex challenges.

Not only will thetype of customer change within our existing federal policy-making sets, but the range of customers will broaden to emphasize other federal departments (e.g., Health and Human Services, Agriculture, Commerce), state and local agencies, international organizations,and private sector and non-governmental organizations. 

The Amash amendment:

An amendment, offered by Mr. Amash, numbered 100 printed in House Report 113-170 to end authority for the blanket collection of records under the Patriot Act. It would also bar the NSA and other agencies from using Section 215 of the Patriot Act to collect records, including telephone call records that pertain to persons who are not subject to an investigation under Section 215.

Congressman Justin Amash is from Michigan.

OK Delegation Votes on Amash Amendment:

Yea:  Bridenstine, Mullin

Nay: Cole, Lankford, and Lucas

The House did pass the Pompeo amendment (Amendment #99) by a vote of 409-12.

The Pompeo amendment:

An amendment, offered by Mr. Pompeo, numbered 99 printed in House Report 113-170 to ensure none of the funds may be used by the NSA to target a U.S. person or acquire and store the content of a U.S. person’s communications, including phone calls and e-mails.

Congressman Mike Pompeo is from Kansas.

OK Delegation Votes on Pompeo Amendment:

Yea: Bridenstine, Cole, Lankford, Lucas, Mullin

H.R. 2397 Text

For the full text of H.R. 2397, the Department of Defense Appropriations Act 2014, click here.

For a full listing of the proposed amendments to H.R. 2397 click here.

Protecting Yourself?

There is growing interest in cryptography (electronic encryption).  But you can also try going old school before you forget how to do so.  For starters you can reduce your electronic footprint. (Oh, one can hear the sighing)

For instance, do not put your life’s details online (via email, Facebook, etc.).  Email and social media communications are a mine of information for the data-gatherers and reveals a lot about you, your activities and your associations. And the information you post is out there…forever.

Do your banking in person, not on your phone or computer.  Pay your bills by check and mail them. Better yet, pay cash wherever and whenever you can.

As best you can, avoid interacting with state/government run agencies, all of which are now collecting and reporting data about each encounter with a citizen.

Do not answer nosy questionnaires, even those that assure you that the data will remain anonymous and be de-identified.

Want to communicate with someone?  Write them a letter and mail it. Or wait to talk to them in person.  (Novel idea, right?)

Try it for a while and you might just find that you like it.  And if it slows down entities like the NSA, so much the better.

February 21, 2013

Total Domain Awareness – NYPD and Microsoft Build Hi-Tech “Crime Dashboard”

OK-SAFE, Inc. – Perhaps you thought Person of Interest was only a TV show – that the pervasive use of CCTV cameras and IT systems for round-the-clock surveillance of unsuspecting citizens was something in the future and not really being done.

In New York City it is reality.   The NY Police Department partnered with Microsoft (uh, oh… wait for the crash!) to develop what they are calling a hi-tech “dashboard” of crime and events in the city.

Total Info Awareness Seal

Referring to the system as “Domain Awareness” (as in “Total Domain Awareness” or “Total Information Awareness“), the woman in the video points to an electronic interactive “dashboard” that indicates an incident somewhere in the city, i.e, a 911 call about a “suspicious package”.  Next to this pops up an electronic map showing the location of the incident and identifying nearby surveillance cameras, of which New York City has thousands.  All connected to this system.

From the UK Telegraph, 2/20/13:

NYPD and Microsoft build hi-tech crime fighting dashboard:

Created by Microsoft and the New York Police Department, the Domain Awareness System, known as “the dashboard,” is state-of-the-art crime fighting technology.


“The dashboard,” instantaneously mines data from the NYPD’s vast collection of arrest records, emergency 911 calls, more than 3,000 security cameras, license plate readers and portable radiation detectors and aggregates it into a user-friendly, readable form in the control room.

Eventually, that data will be able to be seen in real time by officers on laptops in their squad cars and on mobile devices as they walk their beat.

The article goes on to say:

New York could make millions of dollars under a deal that allows Microsoft to market the software to other law enforcement agencies and civilian companies around the world in exchange for 30 per cent of the revenue.

NYPD + Microsoft:  A perfect example of a public-private partnership (aka government sanctioned monopoly); where a corporation has authority it would not have without the coercive power of the government.

Rest of UK Telegraph article here.

May 14, 2012

What is Technocracy?

OK-SAFE, Inc. -What is Technocracy?

Technocracy is the concept of government by technicians, i.e. scientists and engineers, who would oversee and administrate  government and the economy.

The framework for a North American Technate (an institutionalized and operational technocracy) was formulated in the early twentieth century by an influential group called Technocracy Incorporated.  This group eventually published a Technocracy Study Course in the mid-1930’s, noted below.

Excerpt from the Technocracy Study Course: “Technocracy is dealing with social phenomena in the widest sense of the word; this includes not only actions of human beings, but also everything which directly or indirectly affects their actions.  Consequently, the studies of Technocracy embrace practicably the whole field of science and industry.  Biology, climate, natural resources, and industrial equipment all enter into the social picture;” (page ix)

A Technate does not recognize God, individual rights,  representative government,  or national boundaries.  There is no constitution – the blueprint for a Technate is based on functional systems.

A Technate, as described, holds sway over all the resources of its extended territory, from minerals to man; it considers all types and classes of production and methods of distribution, and determines how much energy would and should be consumed in the process.

[NOTE: In Technocracy’s worldview, resources include humans; human beings are considered animals – organisms that derive their food from other organisms.  Subject to the evolution process, and because humans are intimately involved in both production and consumption of energy, technocrats believe that it is appropriate to modify or “enhance” the human organism by scientific means (including genetic), to improve their performance. Read: Designing the Future: NBIC Technologies and Human Performance Enhancement, by James Canton, Ph.D. The activities and schemes detailed in this document could explain why Personhood efforts fail.  Pair this with ‘transhumanism’ and one begins to get the picture.]

Technocrats believe it is their job to balance production and consumption; this involves moving from the current “price-based” system (or whatever it is we currently operate with), to a system based on energy consumption – for instance, a “carbon” based currency system.

Originally, the technocrats envisioned issuing an Energy Certificate to each person at birth.  When that person used up all his pre-determined energy credits, well,  that would be it for him – no more energy allotment.

Goodbye, Bob.

Never Waste a Good Crisis

Technocracy was being promoted during the time a great financial crisis was facing the nation – the great Depression. Technocracy was offered up as a solution to the country’s ills.  The establishment of a Technate (government by technical experts) was seen as way out of what seemed an insurmountable problem. According to Patrick Wood, FDR was offered the position of ‘dictator’ over the proposed Technate, but refused.

We can expect that same pattern of behavior will repeat itself – a great financial crisis, followed by calls for an immediate solution.  Scripture says there is nothing new under the sun and efforts by man to control and dominate the affairs of others continues. The groundwork for a type of Technate has already been laid – all that is needed is the right ‘crisis’ to launch it.

The Course Book

The Technocracy Study Course book, produced by Technocracy Incorporated, was published in New York in 1934, 1935 and 1936, and in Canada in 1937 and 1938.  The digital copy was made available in 2008. (See below for links).

When you read through this Study Course, make special note of Lesson 20, The Nature of Human Animal, and Lesson 21, Technocracy: The Design.

After reading these chapters, a lot of what is happening today is made clearer – including liberty-killing sustainable development plans, schemes to control production and consumption; land and water use restrictions; health care and education reform; the purpose of Smart Meters and the Smart Grid; data collection systems and surveillance technologies; government “modernization” efforts that will lead to the outsourcing of government functions;  open borders and the disregard of constitutional government; and the rising up of a technocratic elite as ‘enterprise administrators’.

Comments below are from the Community Books website at http://archive.org/details/TechnocracyStudyCourseUnabridged

Technocracy Study Course

Author: M. King Hubbert
Keywords: Technocracy Study Course; Energy Accounting; Howard Scott; M. King Hubbert; TNAT; The North American Technate; Energy Certificate;
Language: English
Collection: opensource


A complete digital scan of the Technocracy Study Course. This copy by TNAT The North American Technate. Google Technocracy technate for more associated information.

This is the 1945 edition. The last two chapters of this book contain the Technate design for North America.. the complete appendix.. after the design chapters.. are presented also.

The Technocracy Study Course introduces basic concepts of science, then relates those concepts to the idea of a scientific social design, secular and humanitarian, creative and life enhancing when the Price System abstract value system is not used, but energy accounting is.

The design based on the metrics of energy.. is the viable alternative to the present system referred to as a Price System. The Technate design precludes special interest groups. It is not a political system.

Investigate Technate design for an actual alternative system based on sustainable abundance within the context of our resource base.

Go to the upper left area where it says ”view the book” and click on the blue Pdf. to open this book. This book can also be read online by clicking that option.

Creative Commons license: Public Domain

December 23, 2011

Spinning like a Top – Idaho Times-News Story on Smart Meter Battle

The Idaho Times-News story on the Smart Meter installations in Twin Falls Idaho is full of so much spin one wonders why it considers itself a news service at all.

The Idaho Central News Agency would be more appropriate.

Completely ignoring all the controversy about the spy-meters in general, and downplaying local opposition, the paper is reporting only  happy news about the installation of the spy-meters.

“Idaho Power Co. has finished installing close to 500,000 smart meters across its territory in Idaho and Oregon, finishing a three-year project intended to increase energy efficiency.

The new meters come with a digital display to make it easier for customers to see how much electricity they use. Company officials also say smart meters provide more-precise billing and shorten repair time on power outages.”

This ignores the real intent of the Smart Meters which is to move to time of use metering and billing to remotely monitor and control peoples’ access to and use of energy.

Reporter Kimberlee Kruesi goes on to quote an Idaho Power Co., spokesperson: “Davis is the company’s only customer who resisted the meters to the extent that local authorities became involved, said Idaho Power spokeswoman Lynette Berriochoa.”
At least two Twin Falls residents objected to the installation of the Smart Meters on their homes, and both had armed law enforcement show up with the Idaho Power installers.  (See the prior two OK-SAFE posts on this issue for details.)
The Idaho Power Co. rep went on to say, “We’ve gotten a positive response from our customers,” she said. “For the most part, people love (the meters).”
Kind of like how the Korean Central News  Agency reports the reaction to the death of their “Dear Leader” Kim Jong Il.
The statements attributed to Vicky Davis in the Kruesi article are imaginary.  Davis was said to have concerns about the Smart Meters and “hacking,” but as she reports, “I never said that.”
What Davis is objecting to is the dual-use technology incorporated in the Smart Meters – they are both a surveillance tool and a reporting tool. (See her letter to the editor at the bottom of this post.)
See diagram below for the Smart Meter wiring:
PLCC (Power Line Carrier Communication) diagram from Engineers Garage.

This site goes on to explain that Smart Meters send a report hourly, not 4 times a day as Idaho Power Co. is quoted as saying.

How PLCC technology is used in meter reading?

Automatic Meter Reading using PLCC technology is quite useful as it saves a lot of human efforts and also makes the whole system more efficient. The automatic meter reading system consists of three components, namely, Multifunction Node (MFN), Concentrator & Communication Node (CCN) and Operation & Management System (OMS). Different components and their inter-connections are shown in the figure.

“MFN is a unit installed in household meters, either incorporated in the meter itself or externally connected to it. Its function is to take reading of the meter on an hourly basis and store it in a memory chip. CNN is another part which manages all MFNs within a particular area and collects meter readings from all MFNs. It is generally installed on substations and needs a computer. The computer is installed with Operation and Management System (OMS) which further manages all the data and meter readings from CNNs.”

There are real reasons to object to the installation of these spying Smart Meters and concerns are growing daily.

Too bad the local Idaho paper isn’t interested in doing real investigative journalism and reporting the truth about what is going on in Idaho with Idaho Power Co. and the Smart Meters.

Vicky Davis Letter to the Editor in response the lack of reporting on the Smart Meter issue:


I spent somewhere between 10-15 minutes on the phone with your reporter, Ms. Kruesi explaining the issues with the Smart Meters.  In her re-written Idaho Power press release that included the local twist that mentioned me, she not only got the issue wrong, she made up a quote.  Please inform her that when she quotes someone, she must use their exact words and not her own contrived interpretation of what is said.

My issue with the Smart Meters is that they don’t just record usage of electricity.  The Smart Meter is a two-way communications device that records and reports second by second power usage within your home.  The communications signal rides on the AC current, which means that it travels throughout the circuit in your home.  Devices – appliances, lighting, etc. that have installed circuit boards will be controllable remotely.    Even if you haven’t bought any new appliances lately, the data collected on your personal habits as recorded, transmitted and stored in a database can be analyzed to discern your patterns of activity and habits.  This data once collected can be sold and used for marketing and other purposes.  Data is a valuable commodity and the data collected by the Smart Meters will no doubt become a profit center for Idaho Power.

The Smart Meter is a communications, data collection and control device.  Idaho Power is deceiving the public by pretending that “meter” is the same as “Smart Meter”. I was in the process of challenging their demand to be able to install such a device on my premises when they inappropriately called law enforcement to force the installation under the color of law.  The Times-News does a disservice to the community and discredits itself by publishing Idaho Power happy talk and then inaccurately reports opposition.

July 1, 2011

Smart Grid: San Diego Gas and Electric signs MOU with Russian Federation

In evidence of a pending global Smart Grid, and the power of these new so-called “sub-national” agreements, heralded by the U.S. Department of State and the White House,  San Diego’s Mayor and the San Diego Gas and Electric Company have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the government of Belgorod in the Russian Federation, for joint cooperation in the development of the Smart Grid.

The OG&E Transmission Line Project

The Smart Grid, an energy-management system of connected distribution systems, transmission lines, smart meters, and real-time monitoring systems,  is explained by the Dept. of Energy here (the spin), and by Patrick Wood, editor of The August Review here (the non-spin):  researcher Vicky Davis of Channeling Reality has information here.

Smart Meter diagram

The opening paragraphs of the MOU read:

“This Memorandum of Understanding (“Memorandum”) is entered into this 24 day of May 2011 by and between Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Centre, JSC (IDGC of Centre), a corporation and existing under the law of the Russian Federation, the Government of Belgorod Region and San Diego Gas & Electric Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of California (“SDG&E”) and the Office of the Mayor of the City of San Diego, California (collectively, the “Parties” and each individually, a “Party”).


Whereas, the Parties are seeking to develop mutually beneficial cooperation as part of the smart grid partnership program under the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission’s Energy Working Group;

Whereas, the Parties each seek to contribute to the implementation of the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding dated October 14, 2010 by and between the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and the Department of Energy of the United States on cooperation in the energy sector….”

It goes on to read:

NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties hereto agree as follows:


The Parties agree that the Partnership outlined in this Memorandum aims to leverage the expertise and knowledge of Party in order to:

1.1 Strengthen economic development of our regions and companies, enterd into this Memorandum

1.2 Maximize innovation in energy efficiency and development of Smart Grid

1.3 Qualitatively improve reliability of power supply

1.4 Engage customers in their electric grids management and influence behavior change *

(* This means customers are going to be caused to reduce their energy consumption one way or another – either through rate charge schemes or rationing of usage; the price of energy will rise.)


The Parties agree to, and acknowledge each other’s mutual interest in:

2.1 Cooperation in the following priority areas:

  • 2.1.1 AMI Smart meters
  • 2.1.2 Distribution Automation
  • 2.1.3 Best practices in business processes
  • 2.1.4 Communications for electric utility operations
  • 2.1.5 Distribution control center, training center, and crew management
  • 2.1.6 Creation of Smart Grid innovation cluster
  • 2.1.7 Security and video surveillance (feeling good now?)
  • 2.1.8 Streetlight management
  • 2.1.9 Supportive government policies to promote Smart Grid (translation: using the coercive power of government to assure compliance)

2.2 Possible future cooperation or collaboration in:

  • 2.2.1 Renewable Energy
  • 2.2.2 Call Centers and Customer Care Centers (San Diego is going to cooperate with the government of Belgorod, with Russia for heavens sake, for Smart Grid call centers and customer care?  Will all the reps be named “Peggy”?)

And so on through 5 pages of items of cooperation and collaboration.

Article 5 contains miscellaneous provisions, including this stunner, “The Parties intend that their cooperation within the framework of the Memorandum shall be on the basis of mutual trust.”

Anyone remember SALT I and II?

The MOU is signed by the Governor of the Belgorod Region (Savchenko, E.S.), the General Director of IDGC of Centre (Gudzhoyan, D.O.), the Mayor of San Diego, California (Jerry Sanders), and the President and COO of San Diego Gas & Electric Company (Michael R. Niggli)

Wonder if the folks of San Diego know what their Mayor has agreed to?

Mayor Sanders email is JerrySanders@sandiego.gov and his phone number is 619-236-6330.

Might want to give him a call.

January 10, 2011

Political Doublespeak – Buyer Beware

Marketing 101: Nothing happens until something is sold.

A lot of marketing in hopes of selling occurred during the 2010 election cycle in Oklahoma.  That marketing involved plenty of speeches using positive, desirable, familiar words and catch-phrases, and ideas folks could rally around and embrace.  People bought those words and ideas.

Upon hearing a familiar word or phrase, most folks assume that a specific word or phrase means what it means in the general sense; that it means what they understand it to mean.  For instance, most folks assume that “securing the border” means protecting and defending our country’s borders against invasion; it implies the federal government is limiting access, putting up a fence, etc.

In reality, “securing the border” means the addition and utilization of ISR technology – intelligence gathering, installation and usage of surveillance  technology, and reconnaissance – so the government can watch who’s entering illegally, for the financial benefit of defense contractors.   (While the border patrol agents get bean-bag  rounds to use against real bullets.) 

Securing the border doesn’t actually mean putting up a fence or stopping the invasion of our country at the border.  “Securing our border” is political doublespeak.

Politicians, much like products at the store,  are packaged, marketed and sold during an election. This marketing includes the use of specific talking points during speeches, easy sound bites, and  repeated TV commercials professionally produced by expensive advertising companies. 

This marketing includes the use of appealing, hopeful, familiar words and phrases during a campaign.

The public assumes the meaning of the words and phrases (the political doublespeak), believes the marketing, and buys the product by casting a vote for that politician.  

Noted below are a few words and phrases heard during the recent political campaigns in Oklahoma; their assumed meaning; and the political reality. 

Political reality demands  “Buyer Beware”. 

Word Assumed Meaning Real/Political Meaning
Advanced Forward; progressive; implies ‘better’ Refers to technology developed by/for the Dept. of Defense morphed into commercial use
Career Means of earning a living; a profession, chosen by the individual Entry level job in a government-approved service industry; planned via soviet-styled S-T-W education system
Knowledge-based Economy Economy employing knowledgeable, well-educated people and practices Economy based on the acquisition and analysis of information, utilizing technology; data driven
Quality Jobs Excellent, high wage, long-term jobs Industry-specific, temporary, low-wage, entry-level jobs in Enterprise/HUB Zones; dependent on tax incentives
Small Business A locally-owned small business started by an individual with the his own money SBA approved business– i.e. “minority” or “veteran-owned,” located in an Enterprise/HUB Zone – given preferential treatment, undermining free enterprise
Reduce the cost-driversof doing business Applies to all businesses; minimizes restrictive permitting, fees, zoning, regulations, etc. Applies to select businesses only; includes tax credits/incentives, TIF districts, and elimination of competition
Smaller, smarter government Defunding/cessations of un-enumerated activities and agencies Public-Private Partnerships; increased use of technology; outsourcing some functions
Create more jobs Government gets out of the way-free enterprise system allowed to work Directing funds (earmarks) to specific businesses; “Quality jobs” legislation that favors them; tax incentives
Government needs to be run more like a business Government operating in an orderly manner, not wasting taxpayers’ money, while still operating within its’ proper authority and respecting the God-given rights of the individual; operates as a sovereign entity with a constitution, with separate but equal Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches.Gov’t. does not function as a business. Government operates from a business plan, focusing on revenue generation, cost savings, and efficiencies. Functions of government are viewed as services; services to the public are considered a business process & commoditized. May lead to outsourcing government services referred to as “business processes” to “eliminate waste, create efficiencies, and reduce fragmentation.”Citizens viewed as an asset or liability; are charged for using services.

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