OK-SAFE, Inc. Blog

January 9, 2014

STOP Obamacare Penalties NOW Rally in Bartlesville on Saturday Jan 11th!

You are invited!  This should be a most informative rally with information on legislation in the works to STOP Obamacare Penalties NOW.  Find out how you can help and be a part of the solution this legislative session!

STOP Flyer Revised - Bartlesville

DATE: January 11, 2014

TIME: 10AM – 12 NOON

PLACE:  First Floor – Room 100

 Bartlesville Public Library

 600 S. Johnstone

 Bartlesville, OK 74003

Share the flyer! (pdf format downloadable/printable below on Scribd)

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Senator Nathan Dahm

Insurance Commissioner Doak

Amanda Teegarden for OK-SAFE

Bob Donohoo for STOP

Congressman Bridenstine may send a rep from his office to speak on his behalf

Senator Ford, Rep Martin and Rep Sears have been invited

LaShelle Griffith will MC event

Group Sponsors:

Washington County Grassroots Prayer Team — LaShelle Griffith

OK-SAFE – Amanda Teegarden

Osage County Republican Party – Celia Lanham

R3publicans – Sandra Crosnoe

Bartians for Academic Freedom  – Joy Molina Collins

Tulsa 9.12 Project – Ronda Vuillemont-Smith

Oklahoma John Birch Society/STOP Coordinator – Bob Donohoo

Stop Obamacare Penalties Now – Charles Key

(teeshirts and buttons available at the rally for suggested donations of $15 and $1 respectively)

StopObamacarePenaltiesNOW.comStop Obamacare Penalties Now (rallies in 12 cities planned)


June 3, 2013

Get a Money Bomb Widget for your Website

Framed OK-SAFE Money Bomb Graphic

Widget sized 230 x 302 above
[<a target=”_blank” href=”https://secure.quickswipe.com/oksafeinc/pay/?f=1″><img src=”https://oksafe.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/framed-ok-safe-money-bomb-graphic.png&#8221; width=”180″ height=”250″ alt=”OK-SAFE Inc. Secure Donation”></a>]
HTML Code to embed this widget sized 180 x 250
Banner and full page version may be made available on request.
This version is available on facebook via our page here >>>
OKSAFE Moneybomb with Mission Statement
Need a different size?  Let us know!

March 25, 2013

Bills Stopped by “Conservative” Republican Leadership in 2013 — Flyer Format to Share!

View this document on Scribd

Sample from flyer:  SB 219 – Providing that the Oklahoma Health Information Exchange Trust (the OHIET) will cease to be effective

The OHIET is busy implementing the IT infrastructure in OK that makes “Obama Care” work.  It is the other “exchange”.

Senate Action:  This bill failed in the Health and Human Services Committees by a vote of 4-4.  Although this committee has a Republican majority, two Republicans (Griffin, Coates) joined two progressive Democrats in voting against this anti-“Obama Care” bill, preventing it’s advancement.

OKSAFE Square Logo


This flyer passed out at the

Tulsa County GOP Convention on March 23, 2013.


June 7, 2011

OK Health Insurance Exchange Update – Public Meetings this Fall

Filed under: Education — Tags: , , , , , , , , , , — oksafeinc @ 5:31 pm

OK-SAFE, 6/6/11 – The substitute language for the failed HB 2130 (HUB board bill, establishing governance of the health insurance exchange) finally appeared in SB 971, introduced on 4/27/11.

Due to all the calls, emails and legislative visits by the Oklahoma grassroots, OK leadership decided not to hear SB 971, choosing instead to form a special joint legislative committee to study the issue this fall.

From a 5/23/11 Tulsa World article by Wayne Greene:

“OKLAHOMA CITY – Two Tulsa lawmakers have been chosen to deal with one of the hottest of political hot potatoes next fall.

Sen. Gary Stanislawski, R-Tulsa, and Rep. Glen Mulready, R-Tulsa, are the leaders of a special joint legislative committee that will study how the state should respond to the federal mandate to create a state health insurance exchange.” Rest here.

These public meetings should be attended by everyone with concerns about the controversial health care reform act.

Contact Information:
Sen. Gary Stanislawski – stanislawski@oksenate.gov
Rep. Glen Mulready – glen.mulready@okhouse.gov

August 2, 2010

Ah, consensus! Compromising one’s values for a politician’s promise…

“Ah consensus … the process of abandoning all beliefs, principles, values and policies in search of something in which no one believes, but to which no one objects; the process of avoiding the very issues that have to be solved, merely because you cannot get agreement on the way ahead.  What great cause would have been fought and won under the banner ‘I stand for consensus’?” — Margaret Thatcher

The Oklahoma primary, held Tuesday, July 27, 2010, resulted in less than encouraging outcomes for those who know what time it is in America and what is at stake in OK: the continuation of big government assaults on life, liberty and property; the chipping away at this country’s remaining foundations.  In essence, the end of this country as we have known it.

The most-watched race was the OK Governor’s race, a contest between the establishment’s choice, Congresswoman Mary Fallin (a voter of the Bailout and other big-government bills), and OK Senator Randy Brogdon, the constitutional conservative with the grassroots support and the on-point message. Faux conservative vs. the  real deal.

Faux won the primary.  But just barely.

On the Republican ticket, 54% of the primary vote went to Fallin; 46% voted against Fallin.  (Brogdon, projected by ‘experts’ to get 18% of the vote actually garnered almost 40%, with the other two Republican primary candidates drawing roughly 5.5% of the Republican vote). 

This 54/46 vote split is a pretty accurate reflection of the ideological breach in the Republican party.

On the Democrat side, current OK Lt. Governor Jari Askins won over the favored Drew Edmondson, the current Attorney General:  50.28% Askins, 49.72% Edmondson.  Just about down the middle.  

The ‘experts’ were wrong on both the projected Brogdon numbers and the expected Edmondson win. 

The dating game begin.

During the debate and leading up the election Fallin, characterized as a ‘mama grizzly’ by Sarah Palin, ignored the grassroots, refused to debate Randy Brogdon at every opportunity, ran away from tough questions, avoided any situation where there was a hint of being held accountable for her voting record, and wouldn’t committing to reducing the size of government.  

Very un-grizzlyish.  More pudding-ish.

The primary is over and the numbers make it obvious that Fallin does not have enough support to win in November without the committment of that 46% anti-Fallin block.  Hence, the courting and wooing of the Brogdon supporters has begun.  [There are currently more registered Democrats than Republicans in the state of Oklahoma and the Fallin camp knows that in order to win they need all the grassroots votes, plus votes from the Democrat side.]

The skilled and well-practiced establishment machine has already approached a sampling of the grassroots groups and has apparently convinced a few of them that they can be part of driving a ‘hard bargain’ with the Fallin camp, and that if they get behind Fallin-the-grizzly they’ll get certain pieces of legislation passed next session, i.e. Open Carry, no RFID chips in the OK driver’s license, and the Firearms Freedom Act.


This is a con-game, played election after election.  It’s a play that works to persuade the grassroots folks to go along with the agenda-driven establishment, filled with promises and assurances. 

The grassroots will be told such things as ‘We got the message loud and clear – 46% voted for someone else,’ or  ‘46% want smaller government,’ or ‘states really do need to stand up to the Federal government,’ and the ever-present ‘help us and we’ll make sure you’ll have a seat at the table.’

The result of buying into this routine will be as it always has been – folks will be used, then ignored after the election. 

Compromising on core principles has never resulted in a good or righteous outcome.  (Think back through your own life – when did compromising on a value or a Godly principle ever net a good result?  What righteous cause in history was ever won by giving up on a core principle, such as the right to life, liberty and property?  What people ever became free because they made a deal with the king?)

If the Oklahoma grassroots groups, who have grown in number and who are right on the issues, compromise their positions for a politician’s promise, their movement will regress and they will once more become meaningless, inconsequential, and to be ignored.

Packaging a candidate?  

Read a little bit recently about the election of Jimmy Carter, the insider who was marketed as an outsider by the political machine, and who was described by one ardent supporter thusly, “He’s a conservative to conservatives, a moderate to moderates, a liberal to liberals.  Jimmy Carter has believability!”  He was packaged and sold to the public by a political machine who knew what the public wanted to hear and see.

But inside the packaging was the real Jimmy Carter and his 4 years in office (1977-1981) proved disastrous.

The political machinery, in order to grab that 46% voting block, will begin marketing Mary Fallin as a constitutional conservative to the constitutionalists, as a tea party candidate to the tea partiers, and as limited-government to the limited-government camps.  Expect to hear and see quotes from the Founding Fathers, Declaration of Independence, etc.

This package will be as genuine as Jimmy Carter.  As Bush and Obama, and all the other fictionalized political characters out there.  And the public will buy it. 


June 20, 2010

Truth revealed re: Palin endorsement of Mary Fallin

Below is a response to the recent weird endorsement by Sarah Palin of Congresswoman Mary Fallin, a 2010 Republican candidate for Oklahoma governor.  Fallin’s elitist leanings and bailout vote is well known in Oklahoma, as well as her recent marriage to a D.C. Democrat.   Fallin, with almost $750,000 in campaign contributions,  is a corporatist, not a Tea Party/Grassroots candidate, but look who endorsed her:  Sarah Palin.  What’s up with that?
Email the Palin camp at info@sarahpac.com
Dear Sarah PAC,
The decision to endorse big-government, bailout-voting Mary Fallin for governor of Oklahoma is a telling one, revealing how the establishment Republican machine works and what the ‘Sarah Palin’ product is really about.
Palin’s role? To secure the “Tea Party/grassroots” support for big-government corporatists in the Republican primaries and to give political cover to the insiders using her.
Oklahomans know that D.C. insider Mary Fallin has the same attitude toward regular citizens that the BP Chairman has toward the people affected by the oil spill – they are ‘the small people.’ The ‘small people’ live in the wrong zip codes and can be ignored. 
Oklahomans know that Mary Fallin is an aloof, slightly dim candidate who doesn’t answer questions or debate issues.  Surrounded by elites, Fallin knows she doesn’t have to do anything except follow the dictates of the big-government types who are funding her campaign and remember to say “Constitution” once in a while in her speeches. 
Thank you for shedding light on Palin’s real purpose and role in this election: providing cover for the same corrupt establishment that got Americans into the situation we’re now facing.
While it is always better to have the truth revealed, it would have been better for Oklahoma for Palin to stay out of this election.
Amanda Teegarden
Republican Precinct Chair
Tulsa County Republican Executive Committee member
Tulsa, OK

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