OK-SAFE, Inc. Blog

June 20, 2010

Truth revealed re: Palin endorsement of Mary Fallin

Below is a response to the recent weird endorsement by Sarah Palin of Congresswoman Mary Fallin, a 2010 Republican candidate for Oklahoma governor.  Fallin’s elitist leanings and bailout vote is well known in Oklahoma, as well as her recent marriage to a D.C. Democrat.   Fallin, with almost $750,000 in campaign contributions,  is a corporatist, not a Tea Party/Grassroots candidate, but look who endorsed her:  Sarah Palin.  What’s up with that?
Email the Palin camp at info@sarahpac.com
Dear Sarah PAC,
The decision to endorse big-government, bailout-voting Mary Fallin for governor of Oklahoma is a telling one, revealing how the establishment Republican machine works and what the ‘Sarah Palin’ product is really about.
Palin’s role? To secure the “Tea Party/grassroots” support for big-government corporatists in the Republican primaries and to give political cover to the insiders using her.
Oklahomans know that D.C. insider Mary Fallin has the same attitude toward regular citizens that the BP Chairman has toward the people affected by the oil spill – they are ‘the small people.’ The ‘small people’ live in the wrong zip codes and can be ignored. 
Oklahomans know that Mary Fallin is an aloof, slightly dim candidate who doesn’t answer questions or debate issues.  Surrounded by elites, Fallin knows she doesn’t have to do anything except follow the dictates of the big-government types who are funding her campaign and remember to say “Constitution” once in a while in her speeches. 
Thank you for shedding light on Palin’s real purpose and role in this election: providing cover for the same corrupt establishment that got Americans into the situation we’re now facing.
While it is always better to have the truth revealed, it would have been better for Oklahoma for Palin to stay out of this election.
Amanda Teegarden
Republican Precinct Chair
Tulsa County Republican Executive Committee member
Tulsa, OK

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