OK-SAFE, Inc. Blog

January 9, 2014

STOP Obamacare Penalties NOW Rally in Bartlesville on Saturday Jan 11th!

You are invited!  This should be a most informative rally with information on legislation in the works to STOP Obamacare Penalties NOW.  Find out how you can help and be a part of the solution this legislative session!

STOP Flyer Revised - Bartlesville

DATE: January 11, 2014

TIME: 10AM – 12 NOON

PLACE:  First Floor – Room 100

 Bartlesville Public Library

 600 S. Johnstone

 Bartlesville, OK 74003

Share the flyer! (pdf format downloadable/printable below on Scribd)

View this document on Scribd


Senator Nathan Dahm

Insurance Commissioner Doak

Amanda Teegarden for OK-SAFE

Bob Donohoo for STOP

Congressman Bridenstine may send a rep from his office to speak on his behalf

Senator Ford, Rep Martin and Rep Sears have been invited

LaShelle Griffith will MC event

Group Sponsors:

Washington County Grassroots Prayer Team — LaShelle Griffith

OK-SAFE – Amanda Teegarden

Osage County Republican Party – Celia Lanham

R3publicans – Sandra Crosnoe

Bartians for Academic Freedom  – Joy Molina Collins

Tulsa 9.12 Project – Ronda Vuillemont-Smith

Oklahoma John Birch Society/STOP Coordinator – Bob Donohoo

Stop Obamacare Penalties Now – Charles Key

(teeshirts and buttons available at the rally for suggested donations of $15 and $1 respectively)

StopObamacarePenaltiesNOW.comStop Obamacare Penalties Now (rallies in 12 cities planned)


August 14, 2012

Runoff Elections are August 28, 2012 – Dahm, Walker and Key

Filed under: Network — Tags: , , , , , , — oksafeinc @ 2:19 pm

OK-SAFE, Inc. – Recent Republican primary elections in Tulsa and Oklahoma counties have led to several runoff elections, a few of which will decide the race.


Last day to register to vote ………………. Friday, August 3

Last time to request absentee ballot ……Wednesday, August 22, 5 PM

Early voting:

  • Friday, August 24,  8 AM – 6 PM
  • Saturday, August 25, 8 AM – 1 PM
  • Monday, August 27, 8 AM – 6 PM

To request Absentee Ballots you may call your county election board.  In Tulsa County call 918-596-5780. In Oklahoma County call 405-713-1515.

Two runoff elections of note in the Tulsa area are in Senate District 33 (Nathan Dahm vs Tim Wright), and House District 70 (Ken Walker vs Shane Saunders).  Another is the Charles Key vs Tim Rhodes race for Oklahoma County Court Clerk in the Oklahoma City area.

The grassroots favorites in these three races are Dahm, Walker and Key.  The Chambers of Commerce and political interest groups are backing their opponents – Wright, Saunders and Rhodes.

No Democrats filed for these offices.  The runoff elections decide the winners.

If you care about the citizens of Oklahoma and want real representation,  it’s pretty clear who to support in these races. (Hint – it ain’t the Chambercrats.)

The Tulsa Beacon newspaper has endorsed both Nathan Dahm and Ken Walker and has this to say about each:

Vote for Nathan Dahm in SD 33

“In politics, it’s always smart to follow the money.

In the Aug. 28 runoff election for Senate District 33 between Republicans Nathan Dahm and Tim Wright, there is a clear distinction in who is being backed by powerful political action committees and who is funded by ordinary people.

Dahm has received donations mostly of the $100-200 range from housewives, pastors, truck drivers and other regular people. They have given money to Dahm because they believe he will represent the people of the district and not powerful special interests.
Wright has taken money from the liberal George Kaiser (Bank of Oklahoma) – the richest man in the state. Wright got thousands from the chambers of commerce in Tulsa and Oklahoma City plus the Chickasaw Nation.

Wright’s list of contributors goes on and on. At least 18 political action committees have filled his campaign coffers.

Dahm has two PAC contributions: one for $300 and another from the most conservative group in Oklahoma.
With Wright accepting all this money, will he be indebted to these special interest groups? When their concerns are in conflict with the people of District 33 clash, will Wright do the right thing or bow to the wishes of these power brokers?

If history is any indication, this level of sponsorship comes with strings attached.” (Rest of article here.)

For more information on SD 33 (district map, etc.) and how to help with the Nathan Dahm campaign check here.

Elect Ken Walker in District 70

It would be easy for Republican voters in House District 70 to overlook the August 28 runoff election between Ken Walker and Shane Saunders.

That would be a mistake if you care about the future of Oklahoma.

Ken Walker is a genuine leader with the fortitude to stand up to the forces of special interests in Oklahoma City – even to those within the Republican Party. Nobody owns Ken Walker. His interest lies with the betterment of District 70 and the entire state.
Saunders lacks that independence. He learned his politics at the feet of John Sullivan – a career politician who was ineffective for over a decade in Congress and who catered to special interests who financed his multiple campaigns.
Saunders’ wife is the step sister of John Tidwell, Sullivan’s main political operative. Should Saunders win, you can bet similar connections of influence will come into play.

Ken Walker has a stellar military background (he was in military intelligence). He runs the Shepherd’s Guide Christian Yellow Pages, a wonderful evangelical business that has been successful for more than 10 years.

Ken Walker’s faith is genuine and deep.

Recently, Republicans have controlled both houses of the Legislature. The results have been disappointing, as promises of smaller government, tax cuts and abortion restrictions have been killed.” (Rest of article here.)

For more information on this campaign, click here.

Charles Key

The conservative grassroots favorite in the OK County Court Clerk’s race is Charles Key, a long-serving conservative member of the House.  Key has the endorsement of  two of his primary opponents and was the recipient of a fundraiser by Speaker-designate T.W. Shannon.  Tim Rhodes, who changed political parties on October 7, 2011 and ran as a Republican, has been endorsed by the Greater OKC Chamber of Commerce.

The Key campaign has sent out this information for those interested in helping in this important race:

“This RACE is important because the court clerk is one of 8 persons determining how money is spent after it is collected from you, the taxpayer.  If anyone is needing an absentee ballot because they will be gone August 28th, the OK County Election Board will send them an absentee ballot.  The phone number is 405-713-1515.

Richard Allison is organizing a telephoning effort beginning August 20th. His plan is to have 2 shifts for several days.  Anyone wanting
to help will need to have a laptop.  For more details, time(s) and place … call Richard at 405- 550-6644.”

More information on the what the County Court Clerk position does and how to help with the Key campaign is here.

March 5, 2012

HR 1004 Discharge Petition Rally – Wednesday at the Capitol – Be There!

OK-SAFE, Inc. – OK-SAFE will be joining other Oklahoma grassroots activists at 9:00 am on Wednesday, March 7, 2012 at the OK Capitol* to petition for Open Government in the Oklahoma Legislature.

Wednesday’s effort is being spearheaded by Kaye Beach of Axxiom for Liberty.  This citizen rally is meant to secure the remaining signatures necessary to cause HR 1004 to be discharged from committee and move directly to the House floor for debate and a vote.

HR 1004, by Rep. Charles Key, simply states that if a legislator requests that his bill get a hearing in the committee it has been assigned to, the chairman of that committee must hear the bill and allow a vote.  It’s that simple.  As it stands now, a committee chairman, under direction of the Speaker, can prevent a bill from ever being heard in committee, effectively exerting top-down control of the legislative process.

Below is an excellent post by Kaye Beach detailing the purpose of HR 1004 and instructions for Wednesday’s efforts.

HR 1004 Discharge Petition-Calling All Oklahoma Activists for Representative and Open Government!

By Kaye Beach, March 2, 2012.

Blog Post Excerpt:

One More Chance – The Discharge Petition

House rules allow for discharge petitions as a means to get a bill brought out of a committee for a vote on the House floor.  We need the signatures of 66 House members to get HR 1004 (read HR1004) discharged from committee and on the House floor for a vote.

Right now we have 45 signatures but we need a minimum of 66 signatures.  That means we need 21 more signatures in order to get HR 1004 to the floor for a vote.

Your help is needed!

On Wednesday March 7, 2012, grassroots activists from across Oklahoma interested in ensuring transparent and representative government throughout the entire legislative process will meet for a petition drive for HR 1004 at the Oklahoma State Capitol at 9 am. 

RSVP on Facebook!  Oklahoma Action Alert – HR 1004 Discharge Petition Drive

Read entire post here.

*Folks will initially meet in the first floor rotunda area for instructions, then head upstairs.  The media has been invited.

February 16, 2012

Martin/Tibbs Block Anti-RFID Bill – Again

OK-SAFE Inc. – Evidence of the powerful RFID lobby in the Oklahoma Legislature, the bill prohibiting RFID tags in the OK drivers license will only be heard in committee if the author of the bill agrees to new language allowing RFID tags in the Oklahoma drivers license.

Rep. Steve Martin, vice-chair of the House Public Safety committee, has offered a proposed committee substitute for HB 1399, by Rep. Paul Wesselhoft.  Martin’s proposed language is a backdoor attempt to allow the state to imbed RFID tags in drivers licenses and state issued-identification cards, while limiting their use.

Currently, the state of Oklahoma does not allow RFID tags in their drivers licenses, despite the federal push to add them. (See prior post on this bill here and information on the REAL ID debacle here.)

If Wesselhoft refuses Martin’s new language, committee Chairman Rep. Sue Tibbs will not allow the bill a hearing.

If the bill’s author agrees to the substitution, and that language passes, the state will have opened the door to having RFID tags in the drivers licenses, the very thing HB 1399 was trying to prohibit in the first place.

Both Tibbs and Martin blocked this bill last session, when the bill was originally introduced.

Such is the power of the chairman’s position – and why a bill like HR 1004 is so necessary.  (HR 1004 is a proposed rule change introduced by Rep. Charles Key at the beginning of the 2011 session that would require a chair to hear a bill if the author asked for it to be heard in committee. House leadership has effectively blocked the passage of this resolution.)

OK-SAFE recommends that Wesselhoft rejects the Martin committee substitute language.

HB 1399 Language, amending Title 47, Section 6-111:

7.  The Department of Public Safety shall be prohibited from embedding, affixing, adhering or assigning any radio frequency identification (RFID) tag to any driver license or identification card.  The Department shall further be prohibited from utilizing any type of RFID ink in any format or configuration onto or into any driver license or identification card.  As used in this paragraph, “radio frequency identification” means a data collection technology system that uses electromagnetic or electrostatic coupling in the radio frequency portion of the electromagnetic spectrum to transmit signals that contain unique identification or location information of persons or products.

Martin’s Proposed Committee Substitute:

The Department of Public Safety shall be prohibited from embedding, affixing, adhering or assigning to any driver license or identification card any device, object, or technology with any of the following of the characteristics or capabilities contained herein:

           a. ) The conveyance of information of any kind concerning the owner or subject of the driver license or identification card not presented in the legible text of the driver license or identification card.

           b.)  The capability of the card to be remotely read while being held in a wallet or purse.


The proposed language and section a.) does not prohibit a RFID tag in/on the state drivers’ license or identification card.   It allows an RFID tag that contains some information.  In other words, it’s a way to put RFID tags into the state drivers licenses and ID cards, while limiting the information to be the same as what is readable on the card.  If put into place, this language can later be amended to expand the RFID data requirements.

Further, section b.) does literally nothing to protect the RFID tag from being remotely read. Because people have to take their driver’s license out of their wallet or purse so frequently – i.e. writing a check, getting a prescription, getting a credit card, for ID when making a return at a store, to get into some buildings, to buy an airline ticket, to board a plane, etc. – their drivers license is exposed a great deal of the time, leaving plenty of opportunity for it to be read remotely.

OK-SAFE believes this is an attempt at slight of hand and again recommends Wesselhoft rejects the Martin/Tibbs proposals.


December 7, 2011

Class on the U.S. Constitution – Make Reservations Now!

From our friend Kaye Beach at Axxiom for Liberty:

Key Opens Door to U.S. Constitution

Rep. Charles Key

 Oklahoma City, OK – On Saturday, January 14, 2012 Oklahoma’s own Champion of the Constitution, Representative Charles Key, will be hosting Constitutional Scholar Michael Badnarik at the Oklahoma State Capitol, featuring Badnarik’s acclaimed “Introduction to the Constitution” class.

Even if you consider yourself knowledgeable about our founding documents, this eight-hour class will be a life-changing experience.

The class runs from from 9:00 am until 6:00 pm, with a one-hour break for lunch and occasional breaks throughout the day.

Each student will receive an autographed copy of Badnarick’s book Good to be King, used as the text for the class.

Valued at $250 or more, class students may attend for only $150, or 4 ounces of .999 fine silver. This is an incredible bargain for 8 hours of instruction, a $20 hardcover book, and several additional hours of personal interaction with the “Stepfather of the Constitution”.

Oklahoma represents the critical first domino in “Operation Domino Effect”.  Other states are signing on to take the plunge, too!

Michael Badnarik Announces OPERATION DOMINO EFFECT

“On January 14, 2012 I will be teaching my Constitution class on the floor of the State House in Oklahoma City. I would like to teach my class in every state capitol in 2012! With your help we can have unconstitutional laws falling like dominoes.” Read More.

Michael Badnarik

Activists, candidates and elected officials are encouraged to come together to learn more about the meaning and value of our founding documents.

Oklahoma Event Flyer (to download and share)

Please join us!


Oklahoma City Event Details

Date: Saturday, January 14, 2012 9AM – 6PM

Place: House Chamber of the Oklahoma State Capitol

Cost: $150.00 per student (or 4 oz of .999 fine silver)

For reservations contact:

“The Constitution has become an old piece of paper. Michael brings it back to life.”

 Read more about Michael Badnarik and how he is “Lighting the fires of Liberty, one heart at a time.” at http://www.constitutionpreservation.org

Hope to see you there!

February 11, 2011

OK House Fails First Test

The 53rd Session of the Oklahoma Legislature formally opened on Monday, February 7, 2011 and promptly failed its’ first test.

The Republican-led House shut down an opportunity to institute open-government rules changes, choosing instead to maintain the status-quo – the inherited top-down control of the legislative process. 

Several House members failed the backbone test as well, fearful of casting a vote opposite of their party’s  “leadership” vote.

[The House did pass a few rules changes but only those that dealt with bills that have been allowed to advance by leadership at the onset.]

Why the Rules are Important

At the beginning  of each 2-year session, both the House and Senate adopt rules by which they will operate for those 2 years.  These rules define not only the duties of the legislators and dictate their day-to-day conduct (no cussin’, swearin’, or spittin’), they determine how the legislative process will be conducted.

Just like a piece of legislation, the proposed House rules are submitted to staff at the beginning of session and assigned a bill number. The rules bill (measure), again like legislation, may be amended and its’ adoption debated. Rules must be in effect before any other actions by the legislature can proceed.

HR 1008, House Rules for the 53rd Legislature, was the only measure before the House members on Monday.  

HR 1008 

HR 1008 House Rules started from a template of last session’s rules and included changes offered by a 5-member committee who met prior to the beginning of session. (When asked by one legislator, House members were told that this committee had met prior to session, working a total of 5 hours drafting the proposed new rules.) 

On Monday, 37 amendments to HR 1008 were presented for consideration by the House members.

Of the 37 proposed amendments, two were submitted by Rep. Charles Key (R- HD 90);  HR1008 FA2 dealt with making bill assignments by title of law to specific committee; the other and more significant amendment, HR1008 FA3, dealt with the concept of open government.

[View the archived 02/07/2011 House Video here.  The Rules discussion begins at minute marker 02:52:50; allow time for “buffering” when advancing the video stream.] 

Floor Amendment 2 by Key  

Floor Amendment 2 was a practical change and stated that “each committee of the House shall be assigned titles of the Oklahoma Statutes which are the responsibility of that committee. On the second reading of a bill or joint resolution, if assigned to a committee, the assignment shall be made based on the title or titles of law contained in the bill or joint resolution.”   (There are 85 titles of law in Oklahoma. Each bill (measure) must specify the title or titles of law it is affecting.  Common sense dictates that all bills dealing with Title 68, Revenue and Taxation, for instance, should go to one committee for consideration, and so on.)

Floor Amendment 3 by Key – The House Failure

Floor Amendment 3, aka the open government amendment, was the big kahuna. It addressed the legislative process at the front end and was the most significant of all the proposed rule changes.   

This amendment stated that “After assignment to a standing or special committee, the principal author of a bill or resolution introduced on or prior to the filing deadline of the First Regular Session and the principal author of a bill or resolution introduced after the filing deadline of the First Regular Session and on or prior to the filing deadline of the Second Regular Session shall be entitled to have such bill or joint resolution considered at least four (4) legislative days prior to the final date for the Third Reading in the First Regular Session or Third Reading in the Second Regular Session respectively or prior to any date designated as a deadline for reporting bills and joint resolutions from committee if the principal author submits a request to the Chair of the  committee. ”

This means that if the author of a bill submits a request to the committee Chair asking that his bill be heard in committee, and complies with specified deadlines, the bill will have to be heard in that committee.  This amendment did not state, nor does it mean, that ALL the bills will heard in committee.

Floor Amendment 3 further stated,  “If a bill or joint resolution is reported from committee, the bill or joint resolution shall be heard on the floor of the House prior to any date designated as a deadline for third reading and final passage if the principal author makes a written request for such consideration to the Speaker of the House…”

Again, if the principal author of a bill makes a written request to the House Speaker that he wants his bill heard on the floor (after passing out of committee) it will be heard and voted on.  Period.

Why This Rule Change is Needed

It’s simple.  The current practice of the Oklahoma Legislature is to allow the Committee Chair to kill any bill he/she wants, thereby limiting the bill process from the outset. Conversely, this current practice means that the Chair controls which bills are allowed to move forward. This is a tops-down, dictorial control of the legislative process.  

Committee Chairs are appointed by the Speaker of the House.  If an outside influence wants to control the legislative process, and determine the outcome,  all they have to do is control who gets to be Speaker of the House and the Senate ProTempore.  The rest is done through the power of appointment to the Committee Chair position.  (Wonder which…ah…strategies….they used to get this system in place?)

The Floor Debate

The House Rules proceeded with Floor Leader Dan Sullivan (R-HD 71) introducing HR 1008. (See minute marker 02:52:52).

Three Floor Amendments, by Reps. Blackwell, Kern and Jackson, were adopted first. (03:03:28 to 03:12:00). 

Next, Rep. Charles Key’s (R- HD 90) Floor Amendment 2 was introduced (03:15:00), followed by a question by Dan Sullivan. After the question, Sullivan’s next move was to table the Key amendment.

The tabling motion passed 56 Ayes to 42 Nays, (03:18:42), causing the first Key amendment to be laid aside. 

Rep. Key’s Floor Amendment 3 was introduced next. (03:19:00.)  After questions from the members, Rep. Ron Peters (R- HD 70, Tulsa) moved to table this amendment as well. (03:26:18).

Peters tabling motion failed by a vote of 45 Yeas/53 Nays, which kept the amendment alive. 

At this point the momentum was in support of the open governement concept, acknowledging the right of bills to heard in committee, if requested. 

The next 20 minutes were devoted to questions and answers about the amendment. Some questions were ridiculous, “Oh my, how would we handle this?”

Rep. Don Armes was flat out insulting about some of his constituency back home; he implied that stupid bills are suggested by folks (“you all know the kind I’m talking about”) he meets in the local coffee shop.  (03:31:17) Folks in Lawton may want to give him a call and ask him exactly to whom was he referring?

Dan Sullivan (R-HD 71) debated for 10 minutes against the open government amendment.  “Does that mean we have to spend the time and resources of our little time that we have in committees to deal will those bills? The answer is No.”  Using a ridiculous bill about requiring cloth napkins in bar-b-que restaurants as an example of a time-wasting bill, Sullivan clearly supports top-down control of bills.  “Should we spend the time and resources of this body dealing with bills like that? The answer is No.  We have bigger things to do than to deal with some individual legislator’s pet project that may not be a good idea, that may not pass this body.”

Rep. Dan Sullivan has himself introduced 32 bills this session, which most likely include someone’s pet project.  His HCR 1002 , co-authored by Sen. Gary Stanislawski, Commends Turkey (the country, not the bird). 


Turkey, 98% Muslim and no friend of Israel, is not a constituency represented in the Oklahoma House.  Perhaps Sullivan and Stanislawski meant to commend Turley, which is actually in Oklahoma?

Talk about wasting time and resources, HCR 1002 wins the prize in that category. 

Whipping and Flipping the Vote

Not visible on the video as clearly as it was in the House chambers on Monday was the “whipping” of the members by Republican leadership to “flip” this 45/53 point spread to prevent passage of the Key amendment.

The “whipping” of the House members resulted in 11 members flipping their vote.

Because of the  “flippers”, the Key Amendment for open government was defeated by a vote of 42 Yeas to 53 Nays. (Minute Marker 04:34:00)

The flippers included freshman* Rusty Farley, as well as Don ArmesJohn Enns, Mike Jackson, Charlie JoynerJason Nelson, T.W. Shannon, Todd Thomsen, and Colby Schwartz.  Excused during this vote were Seneca Scott, Purcy Walker, Leslie Osborn, Jerry Shoemake and Sue Tibbs.

The 53 Nays (the ones who voted down the Key amendment) include:  Armes, Banz, Billy, Brumbaugh, Casey, Cockroft, Coody, Cooksey, Cox, Dank, Denney, DeWitt, Enns, Farley, Faught (big disappoint here), Hall, Hardin, Hickman, Holland, Jackson, Jordan, Joyner, Kirby, Liebmann, Martin (Scott), Martin (Steve), McCullough, McDaniel (Randy), McNiel, Mulready, Nelson, Nollan, Ortega, Ownbey, Peters, Peterson (another disappointment), Quinn, Richardson, Roberts (Dustin), Roberts (Sean), Russ, Sanders, Schwartz, Sears, Shannon, Stiles, Sullivan, Thomsen, Trebilcock, Vaughn, Watson, Wright, and the Speaker Kris Steele.

All 53 Nay votes were cast by Republicans.  So much for that.

Battling for Liberty, Standing on Principle

Some freshmen legislators have apparently been surprised by what one called the “lack of civility in the caucus” and are shook up at the realization that being a legislator and making law may actually involve vigorous debate and require intestinal fortitude. 

What were they expecting? Polite chit-chat and a dainty legislative process?  If so, perhaps they should go back home.  There is going to be debate, sometimes rancorous, and disagreement.  

Some of them appear, at least initially, to lack powers of discernment, not recognizing a tops-down, dictatorial control of the legislative process as being wrong.  Suggest they study the history of tyrannts, and learn the difference between a representative republic, a democracy, and a dictatorship.

2011 is the time to stand up for what is right, to protect liberty, and to vigorously advocate for sound policy based on time-tested principles of good governance.  It is not the time to complain that people aren’t being nice enough.

This writer respectfully suggests that certain legislators, both freshmen and tenured, should …(cough)…man up a bit. It won’t kill you.

*UPDATE 2/13/11 – Correction to the “flippers” list:- freshman Rep. John Bennett did not flip his vote on the Key amendment.  He voted against tabling the amendment and stayed consistent when voting for the amendment.  Thank you for the opportunity to correct this.

May 11, 2010

Veto Override Fails in House 5/11/10 – Politics ‘as usual’ in OK

The attempted override of Governor Brad Henry’s veto of HB 2569 failed today in the OK House.  HB 2569, a very popular bill by Rep. Paul Wesselhoft of the House and Sen. Dan Newberry of the Senate, prohibits “the imbedding, affixing, adhering, or assigning of a radio frequency identification tag (RFID) or RFID-type ink into or onto the OK drivers license or state-issued ID cards.”

The vote, held early in Tuesday’s session, failed by a vote of 69 Yes, 19 Nay, and 13 Excused.  Due to the emergency clause attached to the bill, a 75% majority is needed for a veto override, rather than the normal 2/3 majority.

Several legislators debated for the override, with division unfortunately falling along party lines, thanks to the lobbying effort by the Governor himself to the Democrat caucus, making the override vote a political issue rather than a policy stand.

Not all Democrats followed the pied piper, however. The following took a position based on doing what is right vs. doing what is wrong – Rep. John Auffet, Rep. Dennis Bailey, Rep. Joe Dorman, Rep. Rebecca Hamilton, Rep. Eric Proctor, Rep. R.C. Pruett, Rep. Seneca Scott, and Rep. Ben Sherrer are 8 Democrats who stood on principle and who actually voted for the override.

Of the 13 ‘excused’ representatives who did not vote, by best calculations 3 were actually absent: Rep. John Carey, Rep. Chuck Hoskin (new baby), and Rep. John Trebilcock; the other 10 were somewhere in or near the chamber. 

Of these 10, Rep. Lee Denney (R-Cushing) was in the Speaker’s office and so missed the vote.  It is unclear where some of the others were. 

By more than one witness account, however, Rep. Mike Shelton, (D-Oklahoma County), was actually in the Chambers during the vote but chose to not cast a vote.  When the Chair reminded the House members that House rules state that all members present in the Chamber must cast a vote, Mike Shelton walked out.   Who else walked the vote is being checked by verifying the House attendance sheet, which is part of the official record.

Shelton, most will remember, is the same grandstanding legislator who attached an amendment to SB 2018, expanding the definition of a ‘criminal street gang’ to include:

“Criminal street gang” means any ongoing organization, association, or group of five or more persons including, but not limited to, the Christian Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Brotherhood and any independent military organization that is neither recognized nor authorized by the Commander in Chief of the Militia for the State of Oklahoma,  

This dangerous amendment, mixing the KKK and Aryan Brotherhood in with unorganized gun clubs or militias, was attached to SB 2018 on 4/22/10 which the House passed by a vote of 98-1.  (The one NO vote was Rep. Charles Key).

This nonsense passed in April in Oklahoma, during militia-madness-month which sensation-hungry MSNBC  created out of thin air to boost ratings for their April 19th ‘special’ on the Timothy McVeigh Tapes.

Thankfully, the OK Senate rejected Shelton’s stupid amendment and now  SB 2018 is pending somewhere in a conference committee process. (Link to Status of Measure: http://webserver1.lsb.state.ok.us/WebBillStatus/main.html)

Rep. Paul Wesselhoft is assessing the possibility of asking for another attempt at a veto override on this important bill.

Contact these 13 legislators who did not participate in this vote and ask for a Yes vote on any future veto override votes on HB 2569:

  1. Neil Brannon – neilbrannon@okhouse.gov  1-405-557-7413
  2. Mike Brown – mikebrown@okhouse.gov    1-405-557-7408
  3. John Carey – johncarey@okhouse.gov           1-405-557-7366
  4. Lee Denney – leedenney@okhouse.gov       1-405-557-7304  (says she will vote yes)
  5. Wes Hilliard – weshilliard@okhouse.gov    1-405-557-7412
  6. Chuck Hoskin -chuck.hoskin@okhouse.gov   1-405-557-7319
  7. Scott Inman – scott.inman@okhouse.gov     1-405-557-7370
  8. Danny Morgan – dannymorgan@okhouse.gov   1-405-557-7368
  9. Richard Morrissette – richardmorrissette@okhouse.gov   1-405-557-7404
  10. Bill Nations – billnations@okhouse.gov    1-405-557-7323
  11. Mike Shelton – mikeshelton@okhouse.gov   1-405-557-7367  (walked vote)
  12. John Trebilcock – johntrebilcock@okhouse.gov   1-405-557-7362  (says he will vote yes)
  13. Purcy Walker – purcywalker@okhouse.gov   1-405-557-7311

OK House Toll Free Number: 1-800-522-8502.

Please pray for an end to politics ‘as usual’ and for principled statesmen to arise in the Oklahoma Legislature to override the veto of HB 2569. 

Thank you,


June 14, 2009

2009 Freedom 21 Conference – Oklahoma, August 13-15, 2009

Our country has changed dramatically over the last 2 decades, leaving most people wondering what happened. 

International policy agreements such as Agenda 21 and other treaties have caused the American people to lose more of the freedoms traditionally enjoyed in this country.

From personal, property and travel rights, to education and health care choices, life as we’ve known it has changed.
Freedom21 has worked for the last 10 years to educate citizens and public officials about the reality of the political agenda known as Sustainable Development and its ultimate outcome – the destruction of private property and the end of freedom for the American public. 

For the first time ever, the Freedom21 National Conference will be held in Oklahoma, the state in the national spotlight for standing up for what is right.

Special guest speakers include Chuck Baldwin, PA Representative Sam Rohrer, OK Senator Randy Brogdon, OK Representative Charles Key, Dr. Michael Coffman, Tom DeWeese, Dr. Jeff Marrongelle, Marc Marano, Larry Pratt, Michael Shaw, Allen Quist, Patrick Wood, Michael Chapman, G. Edward Griffin, and many more.

Sponsored by the American Policy Center, Freedom21 Inc., as well as OK-SAFE, Inc. and 18 other co-sponsors, this conference offers the opportunity to hear the no-spin facts about our country and what to do about it.  It also affords attendees the opportunity to network with other groups and individuals who are taking positive action to restore freedom and traditional values to this country.

For those who have been asking “What do we do now?” The answer is simple – make plans today to attend the Freedom 21 National Conference, August 13-15, 2009 in Midwest City, OK.

Take action armed with the real facts and the real truth.

Conference: August 13-15, 2009

Location: Reed Conference Center, Sheraton Midwest City Hotel, Midwest City, OK

Registration Information: http://www.freedom21.org or http://www.ok-safe.com

“Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”

Thomas Paine 






May 7, 2009

Family Day at the Capitol May 7, 2009

Join OK-SAFE and other great family-friendly Oklahoma organizations at the Capitol building Thursday, May 7, 2009 from 9am to 2pm.

This event, sponsored by the Oklahoma Family Policy Council,  coincides with the National Day of Prayer – if ever our country needed prayer, it is now.

Also, a reminder about the 10th Annual Freedom 21 Conference: 

Entitled “The Growing American Tyranny and What to do About It,” this conference will be held in Midwest City, Oklahoma,  August 13 – 15, 2009, at the Reed Conference Center, in the Sheraton Midwest.

Freedom 21 is the premier conference exposing the truth about the political agenda called sustainable development, the Real ID, health freedom issues and more.  A few of this year’s speakers will include Chuck Baldwin, Marc Morano, Rep. Charles Key (OK), Rep. Sam Rohrer (PA), Former Sen. Karen Johnson (AZ), Sen. Randy Brogdon (OK), and many more. 

More information available at www.freedom21.org .  Early Bird registration ends June 15, 2009.  Register today!

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