OK-SAFE, Inc. Blog

February 4, 2011

Targeting Homeschoolers in Oklahoma – SB 393, SB 394

Homeschooling is a right enjoyed by parents and students alike, and one which has produced better results than the government-run institutions.   One Oklahoma legislator wants to change that.

Senator Jim Wilson

State Senator Jim Wilson (D-SD 3) has authored SB 393 and SB 394, both targeting one of the least regulated and most successful institutions in Oklahoma – the homeschool community.

1) SB 393http://webserver1.lsb.state.ok.us/2011-12SB/SB393_int.rtf
An act relating to school attendance; removing exception for children being home schooled. Effective date. Emergency
2) SB 394http://webserver1.lsb.state.ok.us/2011-12SB/SB394_int.rtf
An act relating to school attendance; establishing notification requirements for certain students; removing exception for certain students. Effective date. Emergency 

Both of these bills interfer with the rights and responsibilities of the parent, place an unwarranted burden on families, and expand government intrusion into the lives of its citizens

Tell Senator Wilson to withdraw both of these bad bills from consideration.

Sen. Wilson’s contact information below:

Email: wilson@oksenate.gov

Phone: 1-405-521-5574

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