OK-SAFE, Inc. Blog

October 28, 2013

Federal Exchange Blues – What Went Wrong with HealthCare.gov

OK-SAFE, Inc. – As predicited, the Un-Affordable Care Act (“Obama Care”) insurance exchange is a mess.

The Washington Post has a created a graphic illustrating the steps a visitor must take using HealthCare.gov.   This is the website portal for the Federally-facilited Marketplace (or FFM). Marketplace was deemed less controversial than “exchange”, which became toxic due to states’ opposition to Obama Care.


What Went Wrong With HealthCare.gov

HealthCare.gov, built by 55 contractors, is one of the most complex pieces of software ever created for the federal government. It communicates in real time with at least 112 different computer systems across the country. In the first 10 days, it received 14.6 million unique visits, according to the Obama administration.

A look at the consumer’s route through the HealthCare.gov website and the potential failure points.

Related Washington Post article here.

One thing that has become evident: UnitedHealthcare (UnitedHealth Group) has it’s fingers in a lot of Affordable Care Act pies – from policy making to health insurance products to the federal exchange IT systems (QSSI).

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