OK-SAFE, Inc. Blog

June 7, 2014

Don’t Want a Smart Meter? Take Back Your Power – Screening Tues. 6/10/14

OK-SAFE, Inc. – Concerned about the PSO-AEP smart meter rollout in Oklahoma?  So are we.

There will be a showing of the award winning film Take Back Your Power on Tuesday, June 10, 2014, at the Hardesty Regional Library in Tulsa.  The screening begins at 6:30 pm and is free to the public.

Released nationally in 2013, the Take Back Your Power documentary film has won 3 awards, including the AwareGuide Transformational Film of the Year in 2013, and the Leo Award for Best Feature Length Documentary Program in 2014.  It was an official selection at the Berkshire International Film Festival, also this year.

TBYP Flyer

AEP-PSO announced late last year that they would be replacing their 520,000 analog meters with “advanced devices”, aka smart meters.  Work in Tulsa is scheduled to begin in 2015.

Sometimes call “spy meters” due to their inherent surveillance capabilities,  there is a growing body of evidence that exposure to these type of meters causes serious health issues. This, in addition to the concerns about the corresponding rate hikes wherever smart meters have been installed (here and here), is adding fuel to the fire of opposition to the whole smart meter/smart grid rollout.

The utility companies have consistently turned a deaf hear to these concerns. Utility giant AEP-PSO, (sensitive to the growing negative connotation of “smart meters” and “smart grid”?) calls their smart meters “advanced metering devices”. Instead Smart Grid, PSO calls their project the GridSMART project.  (Slick, right?)

Smart Meter

Invite your friends and neighbors to this showing.  An action plan will be presented at the end of the presentation.






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