OK-SAFE, Inc. Blog

February 7, 2013

Education and Party Unity – A Jumbo Shrimp Oximoron? ROPE Post.

Filed under: Education — oksafeinc @ 4:25 am

OK-SAFE, Inc. – ROPE (Restoring Oklahoma Public Education) raises some valid points about whether party affiliation should make a difference to voters in 2014 when current State Superintendent Janet Barresi, advocate of the Common Core Curriculum State Standards (Fed-Ed), and proven friend of corporate education interests, is up for re-election.

ROPE’s latest post:

Education and Party Unity – A Jumbo Shrimp Oximoron?


Well guys, the challengers for Janet Barresi’s State Superintendent perch are already out of the gate!  In a very sad state of affairs, Oklahoma’s own OCPA at once cast a very hard line on the candidacy of newly-announced State Superintendent challenger Donna Anderson, calling her the “Status Quo” educator.  I can only assume this is in part because not only is she, well…uh… a ‘democrat’, but also because she is not an acolyte of the coveted Lindsey Nicole Henry scholarship.

It doesn’t seem obvious to me how we can find the best person for the job of producing education policy for all Oklahoma children by distilling that office down to a single-issue party-line, created and promoted in part, by the same folks that signed the Common Core State Standards into Oklahoma law without reading them.

Unfortunately, ROPE learned the hard way after supporting Janet Barresi in her bid as State Superintendent – EDUCATION IS NOT A PARTISAN MATTER!  We voted with our party registrations and got slapped hard enough on the face to make us cry – for four whole years!…..

I think I speak for the entire board, however, when I say that we wouldn’t hesitate to vote for a Democrat for State Superintendent if we thought he or she would actually put education first in their commission of this office in Oklahoma – and not the Foundation for Educational Excellence out of Florida.

Rest of ROPE post here.

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